Nirvana White Widow with Advanced Nutrients


Active Member
Ok well I'm fixin to grow some white widow seeds in a water-culture style hydroponic system in perlite. Im using the Grow-micro-bloom shit made by Advanced Nutrients, how often do I need to change the resevoir nutrient water?? any advice please


New Member
I use the AN two-part Grow too.

Can't answer your question without knowing how big your rez is.



Active Member
i would make sure you change the nutes and water and clean out your res and at least once every two weeks and make sure that no light gets in there cause it will cause alge that will kill all your roots


Well-Known Member
I would actually recomend once every week. I think with a rez that small, it's much easier to get things fucked up rather quickly. You could wait every two, but to be on the safe side, I'd do it once a week.


Well-Known Member
My cloner res. is a ten gallon, so four gallons for eight flowering plants is small thus you will need to clean and fill more often. Check to see what the p.h and how the /e.c is reading. And go from there



Well-Known Member
i change my 20 gallon weekly.. those nutes build up fast... and don't add any nutes unless your physically measuring the ppm.. if you try to just add as recomended and are unsure of when to add your nutes (weekly requirements change-build), then your likely to have issues.. go easy on the nutes....

good strain choice and best of luck to ya..
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Well-Known Member
I would actually recomend once every week. I think with a rez that small, it's much easier to get things fucked up rather quickly. You could wait every two, but to be on the safe side, I'd do it once a week.
I definitely agree here. In fact, I worry about how you're going to grow 8 plants off 4 gallons when they get big. Not saying you can't do it, I'm just saying it'll probably take a lot of work. A good-sized plant can drink a gallon in nothing flat.

Change and clean the reservoir once a week, religiously. Larger reservoirs can go longer without maintenance, but even they ought to go no longer than 2 weeks, unless you've got a full water qual lab to test and adjust all the macro and micronutrient levels (like the commercial hydro farms do).

That said, big thumbs up on using good nutes. Your plants will thank you for it and you'll thank them later. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Yeah that res is way too small....I'd rethink the plan. I have 8 plants and they drink 3 gallons or more every day.


Well-Known Member
I was kind of thinking that too, but I guess if he babysits it big-time it'll work.

Adding a controller hooked to a large reservoir would probably be a better idea, though. That way you keep the plants res topped off all the time and the larger reserve will help keep things a bit more balanced, especially if you set it up to circulate.