nirvanas blue mystic and indoor mix grow


Active Member
so far only germinated 2 of the indoor mix and 1 blue mystic but sadly 2 days into growing the blue mystic seed one of my lights fell on it and burnt the middle of the stem so i cut out the middle piece. i am hoping the leaves will grow roots and the roots will grow more leaves.:wall: but who knows at this point ill post some pics in a few hours


Active Member
i planned on groqing these seeds but changed my mind, defiantly watching this one :) pictures of your set-up ?


Active Member
i planned on growing these seeds but changed my mind, defiantly interested in this !:) pictures of set-up?


Active Member
sorry about not continue with my guide im 1 1/2 weeks into flowering posting pics ina minute only have my camera phone at the moment. with the 3 plants i tired a few differnt topping methods did uncle bens to get 4 and tried one of my own like uncle bens better got more distictive colas the one i did my self is just a bush and the blue mystic i let grow naturally to see the difference


Active Member
o and the blue mystic top survied all female in the picture thats coming up things arnt the clearest the blue mystic is the tall skinny on in the back the uncle benns topping method indor mix seed is tin the what bucket and the one i did is in the other green bucket i also flowered them when they were smaller then i think i should have but my lights are not the best as of yet only got a few 43 watt cfls


Active Member
and just for some info about what i forgot t put up i started them on 18/6 moving them outside during the day for the peak sun hours like from 11-5 then brought them back inside. well atleast until they started flowering nwo im to scared that some genius is growing a male somewhere near me i dont want to have seedy bud. ive been using general hydroponics flora bloom/micro in my soil ive been using a peat moss with peralite about a 80/20% ratiothe first week i over watered them but quickly corrected that issue havnt had to deal with that and when i started to keep them indoors one got alittle too hot so he had "heat stroke" or whatever you call it for plants but i fixed all that havnt had to deal with bugs yet=].