-wow that is hard to believe that's amazing especially for a sativa dominant plant. Very impressive indeed so I'm sure you already answered but what breeder are those from? I'm actually smokin some white widow I got at the dispensary last night...it's just okay. Probably because the buds are real airy and not dried and cured obviuosly. Gets the job done but could have been much better tasting I guess. 30$ an 1/8th I'm not complaining it's better than most of the herb I've gotten lately. Anyways if you want a pic I'll get one later for ya have I repped you yet? i think I did we'll see......
Yea i know.. I kept sayin the same thing.. I was like I always thought of White Widow to be a sativa dominant plant.. but this thing is deff more on the indica side..
I was doin som ereadin up on CFL's the otha day.. adn they were sayin that depending on how far/close you place them.. yoou can make ur plants either really short and stalky or tall and lanky.. and the short stalky plants will produce nice tight buds... and the taller ones will proce bigger "airy" buds.
I mean i know that if the lights close.. it wont have to stretch to get light.. adn if its far away it will have to stretch.. but i always just assumed if th eplant was sativa.. it would grow tall.. no matter what. lol. and indicas would always grow short..? but i guess thats not always the case.
And $30 for an 8th of White Widow!!?? thats a good deal!! lol people down here will pay $500 an ounce without question.. but thats street value of course.. but still. lol.
And this WW strain is from Nirvana.. soo far I am VERY happy with their seeds. lol. even the Mystery one.
And thanks for the Rep man. =)
i will be changeing my guess (original was 1-2 for both plant's) ima be conservative (just like u all don't want to get disapointed) and i will say that off the WW u will pull a dry weight of 2 1/2-3 ozs. <<<<that's not counting mystery (and shouldn't the mystery be a feminised plant)???? i know attitude give's out only or mostly feminised freebies so idk but it seem's like any other site that gives out just one seed would give a feminised seed just a thought idk though (I'VE ONLY DEALT WITH ATTITUDE) just cause they had in stock what we wanted (me and a buddy are tag teaming lol the more plant's the better the odd's). ???? for u idk if i already asked if i did i'm sry man but was that WW a FEMINISED SEED??? i just planted2 WW seed's and a LR2*AK47 earlier. all plants (includeing my bagseed) will veg until the LR2*AK47 is done completely. unless the WW's get too big then i'll cut it on back but i don't think they will (fingers crossed).
alrighty.. 2 1/2-3 it is. lol. Yeaa. well my ORIGINAL plan was to have 2 WW plants to flower.. adn 1 Mother plant.. and that was wat I had made the poll for originally.. the 2 WW plants.. but then only 1 outta 5 seeds popped. lol. soo i was kinda screwed.. and so I just planted the Mystery seed for fun.. adn didnt even realize that could be the 2nd plant for the poll.. I dont think Mystery will put out much at all.. I vegged her for 7 days.. lol. she was a baby wen I put her into flowering. she was really small for 7 days. but w.e. lol.
And Im not really sure if the Mystery Seed is feminized...?? I know attitude usually gives out feminized freebies.. but then again.. attitude KNOWS what seeds they're giving out.. these free seeds from Nirvana are a real mystery.. lol. they had a little quote explaining how they got them.. ok. just found it..
Here is the Original Post About Nirvana's Mystery Seed
Once upon a time, while traipsing through the Nirvana Storage Vault,
one of the little Nirvana elves came across a mystery.... a great big
stash of shiny new seeds! The little elf couldn't find any label or
information on the seeds, and no one could tell him where the seeds had
come from.* After testing them for viability and finding that the seeds
were healthy and viable, the little elf decided the seeds were a gift
from Santa's own Seed Stash!! He decided that Nirvana customers should all benefit from this unexpected find, and asked the Nirvana Powers-that-be whether it would be OK to give the seeds away. The Powers smiled benignly and said: "Of course, little elf. Knock yourself out." And so it came to pass that anyone who ordered from the Nirvana Shop in December 2009 received a pack of free mystery seeds. The little elf couldn't have been happier. Awww.
* We don't know. Honestly. So please don't pester poor Alice asking what strains they are - consider them a happy little bonus. If you're a grow room control freak, just pass them on to a mate in the spirit of giving.
This offer IS NO LONGER VALID. Sorry!
theres the little story they.. idk why, but I cant get out of using the Bold letters now. >=( Ooo well. But yeaa.. soo i have nooooo idea if they are feminized or not.. i guess there is a chance they could be? which would be GREAT! lol. cuz i got about 14 or 15 of them..
And yes. The White Widow IS feminized. .. I have decided I will only buy feminized seeds.. unless I feel like breeding.. but othe than that.. only feminized for me. =)
And thats a good idea.. ahvin ur buddy grow some too.. that way u can give eachother clones and shit.. =) thats a really good idea.. Sadly. I dont have any1 I could trust like that.. so I have to work alone. =/ OO well. I kinda like it better. lol.
Good luck with the White Widow!! and I'm jealous.. lemme kno how the LRxAK-47 grows.. i was looking into that strain.. it looks/sounds like its gonna be a nice grow!!
Also.. just in case ur wonder.. I know u said u only dealt with Attitude.. but just so ya know.. Nirvana is really good too. WEll so far. lol. They got me my seeds in 6 days.. snet a little gift and hsit too.. adn the prices are the BEST!!.. I went to order from attitude before.. but theyre shipping is soo fuckin expensive!! did u pay the xtra money for gaurenteed shipping?? if they didnt charge for that.. I would consider ordering from them.. but $24 total for hsipping is alot!!
Nirvana only charges $8 for shippiong flat rate.. no matter how many seeds u order.. adn their prices are the best I've seen soo far.. Just lettin ya know. Good Luck with your plants. lemme know how the Auto's do.. adn your WW too. =)
cant wait for that pic update
lol. yeaaa. i know.. I wanna put pics up now! lol. but I should wait.. I'm gona try to hold off till 2morow to update with pics.. Cuz I'm usually gone for the weekend.. soo I wont be updating sat. or sun... adn I like to do updates on Tuesday since thats the day I switched to 12-12.. soo I like t do updates on that day.. adn sooo i f I do it today.. then that will leave... fr. sat. sun. AND mon. wihtout updates. =/ and I dont wanna make u gusy wait THAT long. lol
But by 2morow.. the budsites will be looking GREAT!! and There should be a lot to see thats changed. =) Lots of white hairs coming from the bud sites!
The hard work is finally paying off!!!!