Nirvana's stealth


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I was just wondering if any of you guys know what Nirvana's stealth is like. Is it good? Ive heard it wasn't. I live all the way in australia. Anyone ordered seeds to Australia?
Thanks guys,


Well-Known Member
i heard their stealth is awsome, some guys on here have pictures of their stealth packaging (very stupid on there part) but it looks good..i just orderd some myself about 5 days ago, master kush and early not to sure about australia though


Well-Known Member
ok just one more question, when I ordered the seeds, I did not ask for stealth shipment. Can this cause a problem?


Well-Known Member
i love when people get mad for revealing "stealth shipping" like it's a big secret. like the feds can't throw down 50 bucks and find out how "stealth" it really is.


Well-Known Member
if people didn't insist on these lame "breeders packs" then things would be a lot smoother. do you realize how easy it is to stuff beans in the pleats of cardboard? is custom going to tear apart every layer of cardboard to find 10 beans? you stuff them in one of the grooves then make some type of mark. could be anything. "check where the green dot is marked." something like that. so friggin' easy. you can ship a postcard glued to cardboard with beans stuffed in it and no one would ever know. nope, gotta have those breeder packs. :roll:

bagseeds from good bud are as good as the bud they came from. grow them out. pollinate a female and tell the seed banks to get bent. 10 dollars a seed. what a joke. do you realize how easy seeds are to make? IMG_3460.jpg :blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
lol ill mail you the cardboard box fdd if youll mail it back... just jokin. i agree it is super easy for feds to have an order sent to themselves, but just reposting posts of stealth packages doesnt help the cause ya know. sorry i came off the wrong way.. one love


Well-Known Member
lol ill mail you the cardboard box fdd if youll mail it back... just jokin. i agree it is super easy for feds to have an order sent to themselves, but just reposting posts of stealth packages doesnt help the cause ya know. sorry i came off the wrong way.. one love
it wasn't you. it's been building up inside of me. it was the subject in general. :blsmoke::peace: