nirvanashop took my money and ran >>>>>>>>>>>>BEWARE..


Well-Known Member
you tell them your card number or email b they can track it that way if they recived your payment it will be in their system


Well-Known Member
hmmm they used to have a contact number on their site, but I don't see it there anymore. I would start with their wholesale store in Amsterdam (Tel: +31(0)20-6275113) and see if you can get the number for their retail department in Haarlem.

Not calling you a liar. I just know most problems have solutions and if you continue to pester, you will be taken care of if for no other reason than to make you go away.

They use a front name that is non-cannabis related that will appear on your bank statement, and I can assure you they know exactly what it's called. So if you were able to show them your statement with the credit card transaction number and whatever other info is on it, they could proceed form there with tracking it down. If they don't, then they are total d-bags like you said.


Well-Known Member
just explane that you never recive a email confirmation dont worry dude im shure they will still send the seeds :) maby you typed your email wrong when they send the confirmation it just tells you what you orderd and stuff if its in their system they will send it man trust me i relly hope you get your stuff dude let me know what they say though good luck bro
much love sticky


Active Member
yeah i know the font name but just dont want to give out to the public lol its on my bank account statement..if i could contact them maybe things would lean my way alittle..


Well-Known Member
take the money and run....



Well-Known Member
yea man chear up bro it will come their not the kind of company to screw someone over they will deff send you pagage man just relax and trust me it usaly takes about 2 weeks to get to me and i live in the south east of the usa


Active Member
i wouldnt think so either anyways thanks and ill give it some time to see what happens before continuing my bashing.
if you have had great sucess with them than ill wait it out,yeah being in the us takes longer of course.anyways thanks again..


Well-Known Member
no problem man :) let me know in 3 weeks if you got it or not cuase i will seriously be pissed at them and i will find a way to let them know just pm me ok bro?


Well-Known Member
yea lets see ...

I have before orderd stuff (not seeds tho) and I fist got the confirmation email when they send the product (sometimes a week later)
but the money was drawn the sec. I placed the order .. dunno .. dont like when shops take payment before they atlest have shippd the goods .. some even wait untill they get a confirm on the packed was deliverd (I like that way of busniss)

but yea .. I did try something similar .. made a order and payment was made ..

but nothing for days .. try to call em fist time I did experiance this and they toald me not to worry ..

they had my order and was handeling it .. and I would get a mail once they send it ..

even tryd once to wait for more then a week .. then calld them and was toald one item was out so they did`t send it yet since they wher waiting for it to be on stock agin ...

irritating that they dont call or send a mail then .. but ther was a reason ..

some seems to have like a automtic program that fist send the mail out when the product is send ..
(I guess its when shops use a track and trase system that is`t ther own but maybe UPS etc.)

so give it some time ..


Well-Known Member
Used them 2 times took a month on first second came with the ole green customs tape opened with a nice little letter from customs asking if i wanted to contest seizure of such,never dealt with em agin and trashed there damn Nirvana wallet.Hugh Cobain fan also. this was in 08


Active Member
well good news,i finally was able to get ahold of someone in the service department.somehow i had two accounts opened...anyways to make a long story short i should be recieving my order shortly afterall.:clap:
cant wait to get things up and running hopefully..if i do in fact recieve my order nirvana will be my go to place ...........everyone have a great day:weed:


Well-Known Member
see I told you they wouldn't rip you off.
well good news,i finally was able to get ahold of someone in the service department.somehow i had two accounts opened...anyways to make a long story short i should be recieving my order shortly afterall.:clap:
cant wait to get things up and running hopefully..if i do in fact recieve my order nirvana will be my go to place ...........everyone have a great day:weed:


Well-Known Member
well good news,i finally was able to get ahold of someone in the service department.somehow i had two accounts opened...anyways to make a long story short i should be recieving my order shortly afterall.:clap:
cant wait to get things up and running hopefully..if i do in fact recieve my order nirvana will be my go to place ...........everyone have a great day:weed:
Good news and gl with the patience on waiting i hate that the most.I use SSC got em 14 days,great customer sevice email was like a chat instant response.