Nitrogen deficiency

It is apparent that one of my plants is deficient in nitrogen. Currently I am using AN's 3 part grow, micro, bloom. To correct the deficiency would you suggest simply feeding it with small doses of the "grow" solution to up the nitrogen, or how would you go about solving this problem?
the curling is not from hydration issues. The runoff of the water reads about 7. I do not have ec meter (besides a simply soil probe kit). I posted another thread about this plant but got nothing too constructive.
the plant has gotten worse since those pics. I applied a standard feeding after the pics were taken a few days ago as well. Did not help with anything. I am stumped


Active Member
if you have a flower shop in your town you can get some nitrogen called daniels plant food. its a ten percent nitrogen, seed extract

trichlone fiend

New Member
okay...imo, those chemicals are buffered in your soil and can screw with your ph.
...I would get yourself some rapid release dolomite lime, add 1tbls per gallon of soil as a top dressing and water it in as normal....

...I'm not claim'n this will fix your problem, but it's a good place to start... you really can't determine your soil's pH by it's runoff. Your nitrogen could be locked out due a pH issue....the dolomite lime will not harm your plant what so ever, it only tries to keep your pH in check for you...while giving you cal.

...once you know your pH is in range, watch for them to bounce back.... then try fertilizing. Good luck.
thanks a bunch trichlone fiend. I simply neglected to add dolomite at the start of my grow. I know it takes time to dissolve into the media. Would you recommend crushing it up if i cannot find rapid release?