nitrogen in flowering


just a quick question should i still use veg nutes for the first week of flowering ,i was told mabey two weeks but im a bit unsure.thanks.


Well-Known Member
yeh mate you can use them for 2 wks into flower ....???? depending what your nutes are and stuff ????


Well-Known Member
Most flowering nutes will have some N in them since the plants usually do most of their stretching during the beginning of flowering, from 3 to 5 weeks. Stretch can be slight or a LOT. Doubling and sometimes tripling in height. In almost all instances the N in bloom ferts is minimal. Fox Farms solubles has levels of 0-50-30 for Beastie Blooms, Open Sesame is 5-45-15 and Cha Ching is 9-50-10. SO yes a small amount won't hurt since they probably have most of what they need from the vegging.


Well-Known Member
Here's what i use...canna range BUT I'm a newb and first time grower .....whats your nute line up???? It would probably have a feeding schedule on there web site ya know mate...BUT its not advised to use there full dose method's till your plants well on its way to being a big girl...I mean i should be using an EC of 2.3 and im useing an EC of 1.00 so you see the difference in strength? its all about just reading your leaves and knowing your plants.good luck mate...

[h=4]User Instructions[/h]
  • Shake bottle well before use
  • Fill nutrient reservoir with water
  • Add Aqua Vega to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:500 (20 ml Aqua Vega A per 10 Litre of water and 20 ml Aqua Vega B per 10 litre of water)
  • Add Aqua Vega A
  • Stir well, then add Aqua Vega B
  • Again, stir well and let mixture stand for some hours
  • The EC of Aqua Vega dissolved in (tap) water varies between 1.1 - 1.9 mS/cm[SUP]2[/SUP] (= the solution EC + the water EC)
  • Recommended pH: 5.2 - 6.2 Due to the special composition of this nutrient it is not necessary to adjust the pH levels after setting it initially
  • For use during growing phase and the first 1-3 weeks of the flowering phase. Switch to Aqua Flores from the moment that flowers start to form. (from 1 to 3 weeks of 12 hours of lighting or if the pH level of the water in circulation starts to drop below 5.0 - 5.2)
  • Renew the nutrition regularly


Well-Known Member
yes you can, its actually the time of the grow it will use most, both Bc. you have a big plant on your hand and since its here it will do the most growth, after the stretch it wont really do much more growth (vertical/vegetative) and wont need much, at this point you will have a even bigger plant, but one that is done growing up and is focusing on the Bud grow and here it will need P and K

I like to have healthy (Im sure most do :D) dark green plants going in to 12/12 as I then know they have plenty of nitrogen stored for the stretch, so I can cut of most nitrogen and switch to bloom nut`s after a week or so, if you have to use bigger amounts of Veg nuts in to week 2-3 to keep em green and happy, you would have to make a flush to get rit of some of it for the flowering stages or you might end up with a nitrogen toxin with clawing leave`s (clawing leave`s is a sure sign of to much nitrogen in your medium doing flowering)

hope this help some

I seen and done it myself, so many newbies cut the Nitrogen when they start 12/12 and end up with a plant full of yellowing lower leave`s (stored Nitrogen the plant use up in lack of food in the medium/water) and not much growth of the Bud site`s


Well-Known Member
yeah I used just bloom nutes after I switched lights, then my leaves starting going slightly yellow, the next water I added some veg nutes in the mix and I think I will do this every few waters.


Well-Known Member
yeah I used just bloom nutes after I switched lights, then my leaves starting going slightly yellow, the next water I added some veg nutes in the mix and I think I will do this every few waters.

yea its all about keeping a balance and keeping your girls happy, in the end it all comes down to you reading your plants need and get to know em, in the end you know em so well (if you grow em a few time`s) that you know what they want before they do ;)

one good rule of thump is, less is more, and I must agree, to much of sumthing is a much worse then to little, much more easy to correct it and add some then remove it, plant also get stressed way more, so IMO its better to be on the lean side and add stuff as you get to know your grow

keep it simple and use logic

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
use your veg nutes start to finish, keep em green, forget about bloom nutes, they are a scam and only cause problems. Lots of people will disagree, but I guarantee they never tried it,or they would agree.


Areet everyone and thanks for the replys,i agree with less is more too and am using a diluted solution of nutes but feeding often.Im currently using ionic green fuze for cuttings then veg then bloom and boost for last month,iv just put a few pics up on my journal if anyone is interested.but i will continue to feed veg for the next week,thankyou for all your advice. Also i have never heard of using veg for the full grow could you tell me more? cheers.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Areet everyone and thanks for the replys,i agree with less is more too and am using a diluted solution of nutes but feeding often.Im currently using ionic green fuze for cuttings then veg then bloom and boost for last month,iv just put a few pics up on my journal if anyone is interested.but i will continue to feed veg for the next week,thankyou for all your advice. Also i have never heard of using veg for the full grow could you tell me more? cheers.
all you need to know is here


Well-Known Member
yea very interesting, I have been wondering about my bloom nuts from Plagron, works like a charm, plants are green and healthy and no burns at all, but numbers is a bit odd, NPK is 2-2-4 ??


Well-Known Member
side by side tests. one plant 10/10/10 vigra grow home lowes or home depo . outher advanced nutrients, flowering. for got exzact name. used during entire 8 weeks flowering. end result were the same 2 week flush. I like them clean and safe for my non greedy patients. not like some patients want 2 plants free for them I would not flush lol.


i used to just used band q own ferts but thaught id give this ionic a go,wonders why everyone dosent just use veg ferts then after reading this ,im defo going to do a trial run as im about 1 week into flowering so mabey give it ago on 2 plants,the flushing thing is a whole new question i should ask,i read somewhere that you dont need to flush in soil and it makes no difference,iv alwaysed flushed myself but cant find the post relating to it,il ask again in forum,thanks again everyone for all the advice


Well-Known Member
I feed N up until week 8 of flower. I just lessen the dose as they get closer to harvest time. Keeping them green to the end increases yield. For me anyway.