Nitrogen issues.


Well-Known Member
I have noticed on a few of my Outdoor plants some of the leafs are yellowish pale. Just not the bottom ones but the biggest ones that really make the plant stand out. But here is where im confused. Im using Miracle Grow with no ill effects and it says "Feeds plants up to 3 months". But it seems to me they are lacking Nitrogen. Should i feed? It's rained for 3 days straight here so im hoping mother nature will have flushed out the problem.



Well-Known Member
I have noticed on a few of my Outdoor plants some of the leafs are yellowish pale. Just not the bottom ones but the biggest ones that really make the plant stand out. But here is where im confused. Im using Miracle Grow with no ill effects and it says "Feeds plants up to 3 months". But it seems to me they are lacking Nitrogen. Should i feed? It's rained for 3 days straight here so im hoping mother nature will have flushed out the problem.

Time release nutes suck for starting a grow.I would only use time release soil products.The yellowing is due to nitrogen loss,you should use a more complete fert like 20-20-20.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Robby

Could they be getting too much water?

They are showing no signs of over-watering. This i would know. They are perky and seem to be happy but yellowing of the leafs has me worried.


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
The number of posts you have indicates you've spent some time around this forum.... so I'm surprised to see that you chose to use MiracleGro soil as it's pretty much touted as the kiss of death to MJ plants.

Just because it says "feeds for 3 months" doesn't mean it feeds the appropriate NPK levels of nutes at the appropriate stage. MJ plants are fussier then regular garden veggies.

I don't know if the rainwater will flush it all out if it's in the ground (vs. a container). I wish I had the answer... but I don't. Hopefully mother nature will care of your babies :D


Well-Known Member
They are in Pots. Don't have the money or can't find FoxFarm products anywhere's close to my area. MG has never gave me any probs. MG works in mysterious ways:-) Just got to know how to apply it and what not.



Well-Known Member
Oh and just cause i have over 1,000 post does not mean im a expert. I could have 30,000 post and still have over 100 questions on why this works and this doesn't.


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Oh and just cause i have over 1,000 post does not mean im a expert. I could have 30,000 post and still have over 100 questions on why this works and this doesn't.


LOL... true... I wasn't trying to be insulting... just thought someone who had spent some time here reading (as one with over 1000 posts would have to had) would have chosen even a generic soil from Home Depot over MiracleGro soil.

Sorry I wasn't more help... good luck :D


Active Member
allthough im a first tim grower i also used the same potting mix to help with my nitrogen problen i went and got an mg houseplant food 8-7-6 and my plant seems to be doing pretty good it looks green and happy. as for the overwatering thing i dont have any advice there, as i havent been in that situation yet.


Well-Known Member
Went out today to check on em and they look fine. 2-3 might not make due to bugs:-(
