Nitrogen toxicity?

biobizz is pretty much peat moss and its empty on food. So you gotta feed more then organic guys but still not so much different. I still think too much N which is the cal mag.
Ph dont tell me anything. you cant change it and there is no way to properly test it. There is absolutely nothing you can do if the ph is off. (its not) I dont think biobizz has lime an thats scary but if you only used it once then its fine. Last i checked , the ph of peat moss is way too low but i might be wrong on that. later on in life someone said speahgam peat is closer to 6. As regular peat is closer to 5.
Put some lime in that mix if ya got it on hand.
I think i'll just cut CalMag out and that's it, the base ph of the soil as stated by BioBizz is 6,5 so i'll keep my trust on that...
But dude so you say it's pointless to measure ph after each mix and adjust it? I'm not followin you, cause if that's true a lot of growers are doing all wrong, they always told me ph is key in every mix....
Looking stanky brother! Are you testing EC or TDS, if so what are the numbers?

happy Growing :)
So right now, since i can't buy dem water, i'll stick with my tapwater, which is 270/300ppm (Probably i'll decant leaving water in a container for 24h)
While my mix with nutes is about 870ppm.

I use this pattern : Feed Feed Water,Feed Feed Water, and so on...

Every Feed is 870ppm more or less

And after 2 Feeds i just water my plants with tap water (300ppm), flushing them to clean the pot from old nutrients preventing oversaturation of nutes.
I think i'll just cut CalMag out and that's it, the base ph of the soil as stated by BioBizz is 6,5 so i'll keep my trust on that...
But dude so you say it's pointless to measure ph after each mix and adjust it? I'm not followin you, cause if that's true a lot of growers are doing all wrong, they always told me ph is key in every mix....
Good Dr. Hes not wrong. Hes giving his testimony. He understands his methods and madness (with respect were all a little mad scientist in our grows) very well and may not have to check sample or test his system. And can literally grow on the fly and grow well but that takes a few consistent harvests.

For you understanding what happens with pH in you water, soil nutes etc and, AND, documented so you know exactly what you've done will help you lrarn what is working, when to do more andvwhat to check. Then you will have a few good harvests knowledge and repetition of success practices and methods.
Good Dr. Hes not wrong. Hes giving his testimony. He understands his methods and madness (with respect were all a little mad scientist in our grows) very well and may not have to check sample or test his system. And can literally grow on the fly and grow well but that takes a few consistent harvests.

For you understanding what happens with pH in you water, soil nutes etc and, AND, documented so you know exactly what you've done will help you lrarn what is working, when to do more andvwhat to check. Then you will have a few good harvests knowledge and repetition of success practices and methods.
So he knows how to adjust the PH by knowing the base PH of his water tap/RO + the nutes he uses (and how acidic they're), makes sense but how can he exactly know the value of the resulting PH when you mix multiple nutes with the base water? Without a meter how can he know the base PH of the water he starts with, or how acidic mixes are?

I mean this is my first grow, and i'm still learning things, but it sounds like it could take too many tries in order to know exactly the PH you're havin without a meter. There are too many variables that applies to it, like the nutes, that are all different one from the other in terms of PH value,for example i have the Plagron line, and i used Power Roots,Vita Race,Alga Bloom,Alga Grow,Green sensation + the calmag compensation.
All of those nutes have different PH values that will be mixed with the PH of the base water....

So with all those variables it will take a long time and too many tries in order to know how exactly to balance the PH maintaining the same brand of nutes...

Probably it's just me that can't understand this because i solely rely on numbers in everything i do when growing, just to be extra sure...
He knows his system and what each input is doing and works for him. Hes definitely not a master grower, experienced yes, maybe lol, but does he seem like hes ridiculously successful with his explanation?

You are learning new concepts and horticulture methods. Not rocket appliance. You will do fine.

Less is more ok. Youd be foolish to mix a part of everyone of your ferts for a feed. They each have different uses right.

If you are just watering its good to know the pH in general and have a plan to either correct the pH before every watering which is great for small grows or the personality type that likes to be really in control of variables. Or you add a buffer to your soil mix.

Mixing nutrients. Fill container with water, add nutes ,mix, then check pH. Your methods now kinda require you to check and adjust pH as needed. Just how your grow will go ok.
No one not even agro homeboy can look smell or taste water and know what pH is and how much buffers to add. But if you have a system you been doing for a while you probably could just mix and feed since hes not changing nutrient lines or amounts used in his mixes. But id bet money he checked pH and was steady long enough that checking wasnt critical for his style.

And pH does not need to be exactly at some value. If you try you can be yo-yoing up and down fiddle fucking with the pH. I seen it in others and very OCD LOL. All the while jacking up your ppms.

So look up some charts and bookmark or print them. Such as pH and plant nutrient availability. Nutrient deficiency in cannabis. That should help you match pH values to nutrient uptake and deficiencies.

Good luck. I think you have a good head on your shoulders and will start to grasp ganja growing shortly.
not rocket appliences you'll do fine! Thats the answer to every question in life! i do consider myself a master grower with a shitton to learn.
And pH does not need to be exactly at some value. If you try you can be yo-yoing up and down fiddle fucking with the pH. I seen it in others and very OCD LOL. All the while jacking up your ppms.
This is my whole point ..... It does not need to be perfect unless you have ocd. snoopy, i understand completely. my partner is the same way , he loves numbers an keeps hella track of everything. I stop him when it comes to PH. It's a complete waste of time depending on your method of growing. In real soil and most mixes , its useless.
I have no clue the PH of the water going into the pot, i dont care and it dont matter. My soil will buffer it to where the PLANT wants it. A good book to start with is the "soil food web".
One quick example is Earth Juice plant food. mix it up and your meter will read around 4ph. Going by the internet , those would die, correct? Every single water going into the pot is 4.5 or lower on the ph meter. "How is it possible to grow in acid" ask mother nature. Those plants did great. One reason being that organic matter cannot be picked up by a ph meter or ec meter. A simple google check will confirm how them meters work and exactly what they test. They dont make a handheld meter to test for organic food. Ec= electric conductivity matter is not salt or metal so its impossible to read with a meter.
I dont know everything , im not special , i just trust my soil , thats all. real simple and real green.
Thank you guys for all those information, maybe i'll try in my next grow with no meters and see what happens just to experiment and see it for my self
