
these plants are three weeks into flowering and there are a couple of problems. the bottom areas of my plants are droopy and the tips are curled under. its not bad at the tops but leaves arent growing in symetrically sometimes. here are some pics, one is of a deformed leaf that looks like a heart. there are a few of these deformed like leaves on my plant. RH, temp, air flow, are all good. feeding flora bloom, heavywight mollassus, and a hint of some nitro fert. once a week. after i water and fert they perk back up a little. please help oh and a 400 watt hps.



Active Member
my bottom leaves do that when they dont get enough light penetration through the canopy, but as far as the curling you could be over feeding. Or not feeding enough. You want to feed, let dry, feed, let dry. If your soil is moist on top you do not need to feed.

What temp is your room as well???? Heat could be the issue here too
the temp stays between 75 and 82 degrees. most of the time its 77. a couple of the stems are a reddish purple color and one of them has it growing up the main stem. should i add some type of cfl to the mix for the bottom. i already have the room lind with those insalation panels so the foil isnt krinkley.


Well-Known Member
That first pic looks like you have a little too much Nitrogen.

They will start to get really dark green in color and sometimes mutate when you have too much N. Also, you do not want to give your plants a lot of Nitrogen during flowering, makes the smoke really harsh.

I cut down on my Nitrogen by at least 75% during flowering.


Active Member
Lol at the heart shape.... that's a first.

I would think overwatering maybe, and also like above poster said too much nitrogen. It is a little hard to tell the true colors cause of the HPS... try turning the lights off and use flash, or use natural light?