Nitroglycerin & Sour OG


Well-Known Member
This is going to continue where my thread "Good Start?" ends. I thought I'd get a Grow Journal going so I can make small updates without making new threads or bumping a really old thread and cluttering the site up.

Above is the Nitroglycerin seedling and Sour OG seedling below that. These pictures were taken at 2 weeks from sprout for the Nitro and 1 week for the Sour OG.

The Nitro is planted in regular miracle gro potting mix in a half gallon pot and the Sour OG is planted in miracle gro performance organics in a 12oz solo cup. They have been watered with RO water but I have not ph'd the water nor do I have a meter to get base line levels. They get watered every few days and I've been been spraying the leaves with water to combat humidity problems. My RH is 38% and my temps are 76/64 for high and low.

They are both currently under a 45w equivalent LED Osunby grow light with a blue and red spectrum as well as uv and ir diodes. The lighting schedule is 18/6 and runs from 7am to 1am on and 1am to 7am off.


Well-Known Member

Above are the plants after their first dose of FoxFarm Grow Big at 1/2tsp to a gallon of RO water fed once a week. They showed a bit of twisting in the leaves from the stress of the nutrients and I don't think they were quite ready.

Additional Changes: added wet towel to tent to increase the humidity (38% up to 52%)


Well-Known Member

Week 3 Nitro/ Week 2 Sour Og
These pictures are a week after the first nutrient feeding. Considering the soil is moist to the touch I'm going to postpone today's scheduled feeding until the plants drink up what they got. I've been keeping the humidity above 60% and the soil hasn't been drying out as fast but the leaves seem to have a better structure.


Well-Known Member
Nitro Week 4
Tomorrow is the first day of Week 4 so I transplanted into the final pot which is 2.5 gal. There was a strong odor of sulphur when I took the plant out of the original pot. The roots were just starting to get bound on the sides but I think I picked the perfect time before any stress was incurred. After the transplant, I fed a full strength dose of Big Bloom by Foxfarm. The reason I chose to go full strength is because Big Bloom is organic and contains very low NPK values yet contains worm castings, bat guano, and kelp. I fed 3tsp to 1gal of water.

IMG_20191229_142034.jpgSour OG Week 3
Tomorrow is the first day of week 3 and I've transplanted into the final pot which is 2.5gal. I chose to transplant now because the solo cup was so much smaller than the pot the nitro was in. The roots look just like the Nitro's where they were just about ready to go root bound but not quite. There was no sulphur odor in the solo cup but the soil was different from the Nitro in that it was organic as opposed to plain potting mix. After transplanting the sour og got the same full strength feeding of Big Bloom.


Well-Known Member
Week 5 Nitro
Got set up with the new light. Maxsisun MU1000 pulling 223w at the wall. Started seeing gnats. Treatment is going to be 1:1 hydrogen peroxide.

Week 4 Sour OG
Everything is going great with this one. No gnats but seeing purplish stems due to low temps. Treatment will be closing the closet up at night to maintain temperatures.


Well-Known Member
Week 7 Nitro
I wrapped the pot in aluminum foil to contain the gnats while the Hydrogen Peroxide heals my root rot and cleans out the fungus. I love how airy the soil got after this. She was recently defoliated here.

Week 6 Sour OG
I honestly don't know if the roots are getting as much air after seeing the Nitro boom with the hydrogen peroxide treatment. It seems to be growing at the same place just not as kush. I'm seeing some strange 4 blade leaves and even one mutated 3 blade fan leaf.

Here's a picture showing grow room height after adjusting my light and carbon filter


Well-Known Member
Week 9 Nitro
The gnats have been taken care of for now. Hoping they don't come back. As you can see she bounced back from her defoliation quite nicely. It looks like lettuce to me.

Week 8 Sour OG
She's a girl! One week after flip to 12/12 she showed a white pistil at the first topping at the 5th node. I flipped to allow for a tripling in size which would be touching the light so I'm hoping they stop just short of that to allow some space between the tops and the light.


Well-Known Member
Week 10 Nitro
She's a Girl! Two weeks after flip to 12/12 I'm confirming the white pistils. It took a bit longer than the sour og which is funny because the nitro has been developing faster in every other way. She took a half strength feeding of Tiger Bloom like a champ.

Week 9 Sour OG
After a half strength feeding of the tiger bloom I'm seeing very slightly burnt tips. It looks like she wasn't quite big enough for the dose. I'm hoping it doesn't progress and she absorbs the rest.