nitrogrn def, maybe more. help!


Well-Known Member
What nutes? More light is good. I would stop N for abit.. you're clawing. Ph? Using calmag?


I haven't used my nutes in a while because I thought I over fed them a while back. My run off still seems to be leaving behind a brown residue so idk. No calmag. Should I be useing calmag even if I don't have a deficiency? Ph is a little high I think, probably sitting around 7 but i dont have a ph meter right now to test it.. I have been useing tap water distilled and when I feed just straight tap water because im pretty sure the nutes lower the ph. Im new to this so take it easy on me. Any advice would be wonderfull.


Well-Known Member
7 is high..lower say 6.5. Calmag makes its metabolism work..I add myself. Did you put dolomite in the soil?


Well-Known Member
more of a nitrogen toxicity.

Flush. You should notice the runoff will be clear after flushing.

Kush Killington

Well-Known Member
PH meter // ppm meter combo. I suggest making one your friend for the time being. It will make life less worry some. IMO a wise investment. Dont skimp on it though or it may screw you later.

Water till 20% runoff to avoid salt build ups :)

Sir KK