NL 1st Indoor Grow

Hey everyone!

Like I mentioned in my intro thread I have been on this site for quite some time and never really registered because I never had the chance to grow. Well that changed when a friend who bought a house decided that he too wanted to grow. So we turned a basement room into a little grow op.

Everything I learned and read mainly stemmed from the SoG method, although I did read about and consider others. I instantly became obsessed with the idea and the concept. After reading through Al B.'s posts a few more times I made the jump.

I started with 10 NL seeds from Nirvana. Their shipping is lightning fast and the packaging is genius. With the 10 I decided to save 2 just in case, so I germinated 8.

All 8 of the seeds sprouted and have started to grow.

(lemme backtrack)

This house is over 100 years old and the brick basement has so much paint on the walls it took me 2 days just to clean and rid the room of mildew and mold. After sealing the windows and nothing short of a chemical shower in there the room has started. It is 16x13' and I started with a 6x6 veg chamber in the corner.

Of the 8 seeds 8 sprouted. They are in RW cubes under a 400w MH light. Keeping the room between 25-27 C by using a fan to cool the light during its cycle, and since its still a little chilly a space heater to keep up above 22 C. The humidity is sitting at a steady 50 but the basement itself, which is way bigger, has a unit in the center that pulls tons of water out so when they sprouts start to grow I'll keep more of an eye on it.

I started on May 9th when the seeds came in. Germinated in a covered shot glass for 24 hours, then poured the water/seeds using a paper towel as a screen and back in for 12 more hours.

I put them in RW cubes in a veg box on the 48 hour mark, whether the taproot was completely exposed or only slightly. (I have a cat so I wanted to be safe, that's why I used the box)

Thursday evening 4 of the 8 broke through and I helped the others shed seed and show up as well. So I am 8 for 8 on the germination. I started them on their first day of 18/6 under a 400W HPS light. After watching them for an hour I decided the trip to Lowes and the 25 bucks for a MH light would probably be beneficial for all 9 of us.

They are in the dark now so I started the construction of the flood and drain for the SoG when they get ready. Probably going to just stick with the 1 1000W HPS for now and if everything leading to that point works out, I will grab another.

I have no worries so far, the water is just tap, I have a tester for the nutes when they are big enough, bigger RW cubes on the way, as well as a few other items. Unfortunate for me living where I do (no hydro stores withing 500 miles) means buying an extra light bulb just in case is smart since amazon takes a couple days and I would hate to lose like that.

As of now the op is running:
4 40W Flouros
1 400W MH
1 1000W HPS

2 Flood and drain trays
8 seedlings hatched

(still working on a good reservoir for water, suggestions are gladly accepted)

Lemme know what you guys think!

Cheers bongsmilie

ps - pics soon to come!


Well-Known Member
I just ordered the NL from Nirvana myself.. Ill be watching! Good luck bro.. Im currently on my first solo grow and have a journal if ya wanna check it out.


Well-Known Member
Ya Fem... I wasnt gonna go Fem.. But my wife is partially watching my grow cus I work graveyards.. Sooo I fig the fems reduce my risk of others getting fertilized if she let a male go un noticed. Ill be adding current pics tonight once my lights go on of my grow.. and Im sub'd to urs.
Power went out last night.

The 400w light in the veg room isn't responding well for some reason. I can get it to turn but it seems like the timer it came with is utterly useless, and the light seems to not want to turn on every time it is plugged in which I find odd.

Currently watching this 24/7 not sure what I am going to do exactly (any suggestions would be great) short of sending the unit back and getting a new one. I just think that is going to be a royal pain in my ass.

Babies look good on a side note, 4 of them really took off, and the other 4 are doing good. They are listening to country music (I hate it but I saw several studies on music simulating ambient noises from the outdoors and that is the only station that is coming in) they seem to like it for the most part. I am gonna have to get some CD action going because the country makes me not wanna sit in there for too long, which might prevent me from killing them with too much kindness.

All in all Day 2 is good. The tallest one is almost 5cm!


Well-Known Member
I would try another timer.. I thought my ballast was going bad on one of my 1000's becuase everytime the Central AC would kick on .. the light would shut off .. and refire. But just for the heck of it .. i grabbed a spare timer and it fixed the problem.. even if it wasnt the timer.. wouldnt hurt to buy an extra for a rainy day.. their cheap!
True story everything seems to be in order the last couple days until today.

I did have a spare timer which I am now using, works like a charm. I assume the one shipped with was a pile of shit.

I adopted 9 1 month old new hatch lings today. Each with their own unique problem. They have been outside for the last month in the worst start growing weather of the century. I placed them in with my 8 (speaking of which I germinated the other 2 and they are in cubes as we speak) sprouts and the light coverage for the 400W MH is sufficing for now. I have a feeling I will move the little ones to the 4 x 40W flouros. I pruned each of the one month old's of all their bottom dead leaves. The growing medium mind you is farmer soil (what they just planted for corn/beans) and packed above the initial hatch point and soaked to about 10lbs in a 32 oz cup. I know standard measurement is stupid but that is what I am working with now.

They are all reaching for the light like a sunday school and I transplanted 6 of them to larger pots, I ran out of soil but I was on a tight budget and barely came up with the materials for 6. So far the three weakest are doing the best, I assume the solid light and the air to the roots. The larger ones are starting to canoe in the leaves but some are flattening out so I decided to pack up leave the grow house and get some sleep.

I have some pictures but I am still paranoid living where I do and the things you can do with the internet.


Well-Known Member
True story everything seems to be in order the last couple days until today.

I did have a spare timer which I am now using, works like a charm. I assume the one shipped with was a pile of shit.

I adopted 9 1 month old new hatch lings today. Each with their own unique problem. They have been outside for the last month in the worst start growing weather of the century. I placed them in with my 8 (speaking of which I germinated the other 2 and they are in cubes as we speak) sprouts and the light coverage for the 400W MH is sufficing for now. I have a feeling I will move the little ones to the 4 x 40W flouros. I pruned each of the one month old's of all their bottom dead leaves. The growing medium mind you is farmer soil (what they just planted for corn/beans) and packed above the initial hatch point and soaked to about 10lbs in a 32 oz cup. I know standard measurement is stupid but that is what I am working with now.

They are all reaching for the light like a sunday school and I transplanted 6 of them to larger pots, I ran out of soil but I was on a tight budget and barely came up with the materials for 6. So far the three weakest are doing the best, I assume the solid light and the air to the roots. The larger ones are starting to canoe in the leaves but some are flattening out so I decided to pack up leave the grow house and get some sleep.

I have some pictures but I am still paranoid living where I do and the things you can do with the internet.
Same thing with me. I'm not sure if i should continue posting my operation as well. But I have finished only one grow a couple years back while updating on RIU with no problems as of today. I think i'll just start updating once a week or every other week. BUt if you do post pics I would like to see them...sounds like it's gonna be an awesome grow if it's posted or not..good luck..I'm subbed:eyesmoke:
I will definitely try and get some pictures of all the new plants. Haven't been to the 'house' today to see how they are doing but I will snag some photos of everything and upload them here from the house that I stay at, just to be safe.
Well here they are! The beginning stages.

The hatch lings are week old today. The 9 new plants are a month give or take a day according to the guy who gave them to me. A quick recap, all 9 are bag seed, 5 of which came from some good quality smoke he said and the other 4 are mids. I pruned all the lower leaves off each plant; they were yellow, brown curled tips and half eaten by something. They have been under the light for over 12 hours now and they are all looking good compared to when I got them last night. They were all droopy and damn near eating soil and about 2 am (5 hours in) I couldn't keep my eyes open any more and got some rest. By 10 this morning they were all reaching for the sky.

Some of the leaves look like they have a vegetative burn (sorry I don't know much about outdoor growing, most my research and experience has been inside), others have little yellow spots on them, I assume from the soil being so rich with chemicals.

Feel free to take a look and give me any pointers. Lemme know if I missed anything or if you suggest anything to help them grow.

Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
Your gonna have a nice harvest is all I can say. Those plants look hella healthy. I got my popcorn I'm ready for the show bro.:blsmoke:
Thanks man! I hope to clone the potential females and turn out some good stuff for sure. I'll keep an update once a week or so.
Two plants are showing sex. Pretty excited and confused. They are on 24/0... I assume just preflowers even at 6''.

No worries. I moved the light up so I can get them to stretch a bit more. They are too small to start flowering.


Well-Known Member
Two plants are showing sex. Pretty excited and confused. They are on 24/0... I assume just preflowers even at 6''.

No worries. I moved the light up so I can get them to stretch a bit more. They are too small to start flowering.
NICE!..The ones that showed sex are ladies right?
2... possibly 3 ladies as of today!

I am at 6 days with the new plants. I have transplanted all of them; 6 of them are in crappy soil, and 3 are in something I can't remember the name of...:blsmoke: Any how I see that two are definitely female and a possible 3rd on the way. The smallest one I had to take a fan leaf off because a damn tomato worm was living in it. I about shit that I didn't notice it the first night when I brought them in. I thought I inspected the hell out of them for bugs. I would have hated bringing in a infestation.

So May 9th was Day 0
On May 19th I adopted the 9 fresh ones.
We are at day 16 give or take a day with the seedlings and day 6 for the new arrivals.

Here is how they all look:
6 in soil
3 random mix bag
6 in starter cubes with the two babies eagerly catching up
4 in 6x6x6 cubes because the roots needed a place to go.

I really wish I would have kept them in order. Then again I have my 10 NLs in so no big deal. Check out the growths on the one. I don't believe I caused any damage to it on my end as its 9 siblings are ok. Either way you will notice.

Thanks CB! I took the two that were flowering and introduced them to the 1000w hps last night. That thing puts off so much damn heat. I have it over 2 feet away just to keep the temps below 30C. Hopefully they stretched out over night.


Well-Known Member
is your 1000 air cooled? They put out so much heat imo they are not worth using unless you can air cool em .. whats the point of having all these extra lumens if you have to pull the light an extra foot away. I have my 2 1000 air cooled and can put the light 8 inches above the tops with no burning. They love the 1000's though if you can manage the heat and keep em close :)
I am actually working on a home made cool tube. And by that I mean I have put thought into making one vs just buying one (found some killer deals after spending all last night looking for them). I might just go with a little AC unit for the window for the time being. I know I will need tubes eventually but 250 for tube/fan/etc vs 100 AC... I am not sure yet. I do know that I am broke for the time being.


Well-Known Member
Thanks CB! I took the two that were flowering and introduced them to the 1000w hps last night. That thing puts off so much damn heat. I have it over 2 feet away just to keep the temps below 30C. Hopefully they stretched out over night.
Woah 1000 watts. Hope you like the forest:mrgreen: