NL flowering for 18 days with problems please advice and help!

phenix white

Active Member
ok i been battleing problems with my northern lights tghe entire grow...but i took new pics today and posting them for yall to examine. info- 150 watt hps,multi watts fl's 2o of is 3x3 id say its a small closet grow. wateris tap and nutes are earth juice,soil organic as well ,5 gal bucket, bubbling the ej for 2 days into tea ph after bubbling is between 5.8-6.3. dolmite lime has been added twice a teaspoon a time. along with 2 doses of epsom salt ,fertilome micronutes/iron/ black strap molasess. ect..
ok now the tips of leaf on my main stem bud spots are curling down thin and tips are darking,black but are soft still. im having this sissue along with the yellowing of bottom leaves working its way up the leaves closet to the stem mostly but see pics! got brown black spotting on some and still going on.. ok i flushed them a while back and they turned around but now seems new or diff stuff goi ng in budding so im very concernd!


Well-Known Member
Well Bud production looks pretty good and the overall health of the plant looks good so odds are your worry is for nothing. However, that being said, if your using tap water you may be having a nutrient tie up from the ph. I use tap on a soil grow similar lighting and the works and what I do, more to ease my mind than anything, is when I see something that may look like defieciency I give it a small shot of veg nutes at 1/3 rate. If all else fails, flush again.., you saw improvements with that last time. Keep it posted. Nice grow. I'm subbed

phenix white

Active Member
ok well thanks yea it was a monster before horrible..i had been just adding ej straight from bottle to water dropped the ph well into or below the 4's..! i was using RO water sumone suggested switchin to tap it is better for organic and ej grows.the ro water seemed like it be purer better i dunno thou
Well Bud production looks pretty good and the overall health of the plant looks good so odds are your worry is for nothing. However, that being said, if your using tap water you may be having a nutrient tie up from the ph. I use tap on a soil grow similar lighting and the works and what I do, more to ease my mind than anything, is when I see something that may look like defieciency I give it a small shot of veg nutes at 1/3 rate. If all else fails, flush again.., you saw improvements with that last time. Keep it posted. Nice grow. I'm subbed


Well-Known Member
WEll, I don't know about tap being better for any grow or not, I use it for convenience. I guess I think of it like you. RO is a more source but the main thing I think is to control teh ph. 4 is not good about 6-6.5 is what I've been reading.

phenix white

Active Member
yea my ph is stabilized at the same level..i watered and feed my Motovation a bit ago and the ph was perfect going in and coming out!

phenix white

Active Member
i will switch back to RO and see what happens! the way my motovation is doing lovely!!!
WEll, I don't know about tap being better for any grow or not, I use it for convenience. I guess I think of it like you. RO is a more source but the main thing I think is to control teh ph. 4 is not good about 6-6.5 is what I've been reading.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I think they look hungry. You could probably run full suggested strength on your EJ system for the given time of life. I think you look short on N, P, Ca, and Mg primarily.

The single leaves up top indicate possible dark period light interruptions. Make sure everything is light tight.