NLxPH - 155w CFL @ 6 weeks of flower.


Active Member
Well damn, I was trying to tuck the fan leaves under the grow shoots and one of them snapped off leaving the stem of the fan leaf there. I don't think it should be that much of a problem but it still kinda sucks. Guess I'll have to just wait and see what happens. I also used some bread ties to position the bottom grow shoots a little better because they were all clustered together so I pulled them down and apart more so they can receive more light because they were not producing much bud. So hopefully now they can grow bigger. :) It's my first time so I'm still learning.


Well-Known Member
I think she is looking perfectly fine, I would cut off some of the lower nodes though that aren't getting as much light. Give the plant a lollipop look.


Active Member
I think she is looking perfectly fine, I would cut off some of the lower nodes though that aren't getting as much light. Give the plant a lollipop look.
I just tied them down and spread them out more across the bottom so they get more light but I don't think I wanna chop anything off while it's flowering.


Active Member
Awosme job!! mine is going on the 6th week as well need to get some pics up..;) where less then half way there man...yeahh..=)