NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Well-Known Member
I'm a new grower, a year and a half in and I'm shocked at the amount of people that take fan leaves off of their plants. It's hard to find many grows that keep the goodness on so here's a call out for the NO defoliators...Show me your grows so I know I am not alone.



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so No one in this thread will remove ANY branches or leaves? Just want to make sure what I’m looking at.

here’s my previous auto with no defol. 0 branches or leaves removed. So if you removed a leaf or branch this thread isn’t for you.
Yep...We'll see cause...I'm genuinely curious as well...I'm not so sure anyone has taken it this far...However, if you look at week 3 I took off several leaves that had humidity damage...From the WHOLE lot though, several leaves that were sick.
I cut nothing.





Yep...We'll see cause...I'm genuinely curious as well...I'm not so sure anyone has taken it this far...However, if you look at week 3 I took off several leaves that had humidity damage...From the WHOLE lot though, several leaves that were sick.
That’s defol

remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
It's not. It's more pruning or trimming than anything. Defoliation, by definition, is a mass removal of leaves.
remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.

not seeing the word mass or any number in the definition

feel free to change the definition they way u see fit to feel better
remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.

not seeing the word mass or any number in the definition

feel free to change the definition they way u see fit to feel better
Why are you arguing so hard for defol ? You only tried it a few weeks ago. How do you have such a hard-on for it ?
remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.

not seeing the word mass or any number in the definition

feel free to change the definition they way u see fit to feel better

You need to read the ENTIRE definition. It literally means "stripped of leaves". When the military defoliates a forest to expose the enemy, do you think they selectively remove only the ones that are damaged?

Learn to pronounce
verb: defoliate; 3rd person present: defoliates; past tense: defoliated; past participle: defoliated; gerund or present participle: defoliating

remove leaves from (a tree, plant, or area of land), for agricultural purposes or as a military tactic.
"the area was defoliated and napalmed many times"

late 18th century: from late Latin defoliat- ‘stripped of leaves’, from the verb defoliare, from de- (expressing removal) + folium ‘leaf’.
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