NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Oh boy... Look up who coined the term "Schwazzing" and see if you still buy the idea. It was coined by some dude who used it to sell his $500 garbage growing book. BTW, he also claimed that his nutrient line was very important to be successful at "Schwazzing" .
Bud sites don't need light because 99% of the photosynthesis happens in the leaves. This is just rubbish pushed by those who believe in defoliation.
So then what is your purpose of the leaves you remove?

This is my first time removing leaves or touching the plant unless the leaf was falling off dead.

To me and by the four definitions I posted on dictionary website I don’t see how people are trimming for “airflow” aren’t also defol? That’s my confusion as a totally new grower. I’ve grown 4 times and didn’t touch anything other than LST.

So when I see them get so angry and say dumb shit and change the definition of words. It’s hard to believe anything else they say. They lose credibility in my view. And I’m sure many reading see it as well. Especially how angry they get and how much hate they have.
So then what is your purpose of the leaves you remove?

This is my first time removing leaves or touching the plant unless the leaf was falling off dead.

To me and by the four definitions I posted on dictionary website I don’t see how people are trimming for “airflow” aren’t also defol?
no .
So then what is your purpose of the leaves you remove?

This is my first time removing leaves or touching the plant unless the leaf was falling off dead.

To me and by the four definitions I posted on dictionary website I don’t see how people are trimming for “airflow” aren’t also defol?

I only remove them when they become damaged (start yellowing, been damaged by me being clumsy, or any other issue) and they are no longer doing their job. The lower leave and branches I remove is more to make it easier for me to water and deal with the pots.
The lower leave and branches I remove is more to make it easier for me to water and deal with the pots.
This is the part where you lose me as a new grower trying to decide what direction to go. You can’t cherry pick and cut what’s convenient. Thanks for your insight. I appreciate it.

Trimming for airflow and watering is still defol IMO.
Here's an example of what I mean. Top image was yesterday and the bottom image was also yesterday after I removed all the leaves that were getting crispy and/or had other issues.
Arguing the definition doesn't help. @TreeFarmerCharlie posted he only removed what makes it hard for him to wzter . That is making room not defoliating. Defoliating as it's used on RIU and most cannabis discussions refers to leaf removal to refocus growth or promote "explosive" regrowth or possibly allow better air circulstion. For the record I don't defoliate but I know that removing a branch or leaf to make it easier to water is not commonly referred to as defoliation. Get real.
No, you just refuse to accept the fact that pruning and defoliation are not the same thing. Go look up defoliation and you will see those who support it strip their plants of all medium and large leaves.
That’s what I was asking you as a new grower. Defoliation definition in a book is different than what is commonly used in growing?

So is pruning what you are doing? And does it damage the plant in the same way you’re saying defol will?
Arguing the definition doesn't help. @TreeFarmerCharlie posted he only removed what makes it hard for him to wzter . That is making room not defoliating. Defoliating as it's used on RIU and most cannabis discussions refers to leaf removal to refocus growth or promote "explosive" regrowth or possibly allow better air circulstion. For the record I don't defoliate but I know that removing a branch or leaf to make it easier to water is not commonly referred to as defoliation. Get real.
Thank you no one had said that on here. They just keep calling me dumb for not agreeing with them. So there are 3 camps
Don’t touch my plant

I’m confused on how trimming/pruning for airflow doesn’t stunt the growth in the same way removing leaves would?
LOL! I'm not cherry picking. PRUNING != DEFOLIATION
The technical definition of defoliation is to strip all leaves. Agent orange, something most people have heard of, was used to defoliate large sections of jungle in the Vietnam war to expose the enemy. This is the technical definition of pruning- a horticultural and silvicultural practice involving the selective removal of certain parts of a plant, such as branches, buds, or roots. You see the difference?
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