NO defoliation appreciation thread.

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Any type of stress, including pruning small branches, will cause a plant to set back by at least a tiny bit. Your question doesn't really make sense, though, and I'm not just giving you shit. This is like asking if cutting an arm off of a person would set a humans life back anymore than cutting off all their limbs.
It makes perfect sense.

If people claiming defol hurts the plant but then cut or trim branches then I know not to listen to anything else they say.

You’re saying pruning stalls or hurts the plant.
They are saying defol stalls or hurts the plant.
So if I’m stalling the plant by pruning/trimming why is it different than defol? That’s my main question that NO one has made clear.
There is a much higher stem to bud ratio in larfy buds. Stems dont have much thc and they dont taste very good either.
Correct, it's just a little more work when it comes to packing a bowl. But, if you dry herb vape, you can stick stems in there and you won't even taste them, because they aren't burning. I personally think letting it go to waste is a waste.
I know your not asking me but my opinion is NO. Cutting a few sucker branches off the bottom of a plant will not stunt its growth anywhere near as much as stripping off all the fan leaves.
You keep saying all but that’s not what we’re talking about and you know that.
It makes perfect sense.

If people claiming defol hurts the plant but then cut or trim branches then I know not to listen to anything else they say.

You’re saying pruning stalls or hurts the plant.
They are saying defol stalls or hurts the plant.
So if I’m stalling the plant by pruning/trimming why is it different than defol? That’s my main question that NO one has made clear.
What I'm getting at is there are different degrees of stress. Defoliation is very high stress, super cropping is high stress, light pruning and LST are low stress.
Larfy bottom buds are just as potent as the top buds. They just don't have any bag appeal. When I hook friends up with my weed I always give them the prettiest buds I have. I dry herb vape the "nice" buds, along with larfy shit from down below, and I honestly notice zero difference in the taste or the high. But the majority of my larf is used for edibles and hash.
So there’s no quality difference in bottom buds vs top buds?
That makes perfect sense about different degrees of stress. Couldn’t you argue that taking less leaves would be less stress then?
Yes, this is what we've all been saying all along. If you have aiflow issues and need to remove some leaves to prevent mold/mildew, then do it. I fyou have leaves that are getting crispy and no longer serve a purpose, then remove them or wait for them to fall off on their own.
Just look at all those beautiful leaves soaking up the light energy and using it to make big dense cola's. Healthy plants make big buds. I didn't cut a single leaf off this plant and all the bud was dense. It was a big yielder and I credit those big healthy fan leaves for that.

Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves not the flowers.

Just look at all those beautiful leaves soaking up the light energy and using it to make big dense cola's. Healthy plants make big buds. I didn't cut a single leaf off this plant and all the bud was dense. It was a big yielder and I credit those big healthy fan leaves for that.

Photosynthesis occurs in the leaves not the flowers.

Looks good and makes sense. Thanks. Mine did good when I left it alone 100%. I’m just curious to see how it does with some light defol.
Yes, this is what we've all been saying all along. If you have aiflow issues and need to remove some leaves to prevent mold/mildew, then do it. I fyou have leaves that are getting crispy and no longer serve a purpose, then remove them or wait for them to fall off on their own.

You bring up a point I was going to make. If people have leaves that are getting crispy and are dying then they are overfeeding their plants. But that's another topic entirely.
Hard to believe anything you say after saying defol means all leaves. You lost all credibility with me. See you bud. I’m Unwatching this thread.
Jesus! I guess you can't save them all! Good luck with your grows, because you are going to need it if you can't understand how to break down the definition of a word.
You bring up a point I was going to make. If people have leaves that are getting crispy and are dying then they are overfeeding their plants. But that's another topic entirely.
Or the plants are getting too close to the lights, or they grew too close to the fans, etc. There are lots of reasons. The reason mine are currently getting some crispy leaves is because I over fed in mid-late flower.
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