no FF soil in my area, suggestion for grow medium??


Fox Farm soil is out of the question for me as there is no hydro or grow stores in my area. Is there anything worth using at say Lowe's or Home Depot?? Soil or Soil-Less mix?? The Jorge Cervantes guy says soil-less but I don't know anything about it. I'd rather stick pine cones up my ass than use miracle grow, lol.. Opinions everyone? Thanks for helping a newb out.

PS- It's my first grow



Well-Known Member
if you cant use miracle grow you are a shitty grower...sorry but its true......i use mg soil and nutes and my plants are fuckin beautiful
I am currently using MG Organic. 1 plant is doing fantastic, and 1 other one is prettymuch dead. Dont know if it was soil or just a bad plant. I have some fox farm soil on the way so i'll plant a new one in the FF and compare.

Do you have any pictures of your plants? I've heard nothing but bad about MG but if yours are doing fine that gets me hopeful for my 1 plant.


Well-Known Member
order some coco online. get a brick of the peat and some of the croutons, mix them together, grow the best plants you've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
check the indoor growing section for the official coco thread, it's a sticky. Master of Genetics really spelled everything out nicely if you don't mind a little reading. But anyways croutons are chunks of coco, that look like, well, croutons. A lot of people mix the finer grade coco with perlite for extra aeration, but if you want to go all coco, the croutons are really great. I haven't used it but there's also coco fiber, long strands of coco, that would probably be about the same.


Well-Known Member
thanks puffster, nmcpher , AirAnt ;)
No problem!

My plants are 3 days old, 6 out of 6 germed in FF Ocean Forest within 16 hours.

I paid 80 dollars for 1 bag of ocean forest and I think it was worth it. I hear nothing but good about it.

Good luck, if you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask.