no giants but a few of my taller ones


so i am a first timer grower period and got an extremely late start as i didnt buy my clones until may 29th. then between what i figured to be a combo of heat stress, stunted growth from movin outside (began to preflower), and underwatering i didnt get hardly any growth the whole month of june. once those issues were solved things are going great. i am in nor cal and everything i have is 215 legal. got 1 that just started flowering almost a week ago (sour grapes) and the others are right behind it. been using fox farm brow big, fish emulsion, every other watering and tope dressing bi weekly with worm castings, organic kelp and blood meal. past couple weeks have been brewing an organic tea as of now thats all i will be using. only reason i used the ff grow big was because i was a sucker and thought organic based ment organic. haha silly me. also have been foliar feeding once a week switching back from humic acid to a diluted organic tea that im brewing but now that flowering has began they wont recieve any foliar. anyways they are no monsters but will do just fine for me, my fiance, and her mother ... the biggest one i have is just slightly over 4', couple more are right under 4' and the rest are some bushier 3-3.5'. feel free to give any advice or tips to help me out. and if you have a few seconds, maybe you could anwser a question i i said i have 1 that is already in flower and the rest are very close (i assume) ... as you can see i have them in cages and only one stake... i have ordered 50 more 7/8" x 8' bamboo poles and since its my first grow i am unsure of the support they will need while flowering... so should i keep the cages for added support or will 5 stakes be able to hold the weight?? to leave the cage or to remove it??? anyways thanks in advance for checking out my thread and for the advice

pics are 1300- trainwreck, 1303- blue dream, 1304- sour grapes, 1305- alpha dawg, 1307- cherry pie, 1308- sensi star, 1317- suppose to been a close up of sour grapes but couldnt figure how to save a copy zoomed and cropped....peace



Active Member
If they are flowering or just starting to flower, they will only grow a bit more in the first 2 weeks of flower (maybe another 15% veg growth) so looks to me like your probably okay with the set up you have there. They look nice and healthy anyways.

If you havent heard already that trainwreck is going to finish very very slow probably needing 10+ weeks of flowering. Worth the wait though it is pretty kick ass stuff.


If they are flowering or just starting to flower, they will only grow a bit more in the first 2 weeks of flower (maybe another 15% veg growth) so looks to me like your probably okay with the set up you have there. They look nice and healthy anyways.

If you havent heard already that trainwreck is going to finish very very slow probably needing 10+ weeks of flowering. Worth the wait though it is pretty kick ass stuff.
actually i lied :( its a Permafrost, which is trainwreck x white widow/northern lights. i do have a train wreck but it is a few weeks younger and quite a bit smaller tho... looking forward to it tho and wont mind waiting a bit


KillCaustic- appreciate it, i have put a lot of work in it. didnt have much $$$ but they have received lots of tlc and 757, i know its gonna be legit, have a buddy that lives in so cal that helped me with meds when im that way but with the low funds$$$ i have not had the gas so i have been buyin from a collective and am def not liking the prices....but you bet ya i am gonna be making lots of oil & butter come this fall!!! and no more bowls just phat Js