No growth in seedling

brad olula

This plant has five nodes. Planted in loam soil amended with saw dust.
Its under the sun from 6am to 6pm
Its been a month but its not taller than 3inches.
I topped it to try catalyze growth
But ain't a differencein a whole effin month.
Wat cud i be doing wrongIMG_20180430_154305.jpg IMG_20180430_154325.jpg



Well-Known Member
Your soil looks to be pretty bad imo. If it's not allowing roots to grow it will not grow. Which may be what happening.


That wouldn't make it not grow. That's basically what SOG is. All it does is promote it going into flower faster, but it should still grow.
Of course it would. A flowering light schedule from germination stunts growth. Besides, who said it was one thing?


Well-Known Member
Yes it will stunt growth but not like what we're seeing. All you have to do is look how hard his soil is to see the problem. I can guarantee the roots aren't growing. It looks like concrete.


Well-Known Member
You going to have to grow in real soil. I'm not too sure on the nutrient value of saw dust. Probably nill to nothing.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. The soil is not suitable.

Soil looks to be too dense and lacking in nutrients.

I have never heard amended with sawdust. Why? What is the purpose?


Well-Known Member
I know sawdust is good for composting. I am wondering if that is what he is getting his idea from. But from what I've read you shouldn't use it to grow as an amendment.