No guns for medical MJ users

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
sure as shit,violent crime rates soared in aus after the ban,it took months 4 their government 2 even figure out how 2 categorize the massive triple digit increase in home invasions,the aus gov couldn't allow having your door kicked in by armed thugs robbing people being listed as "home invasions";
so they used word play to hide it .

that's not anal rape,its actually " sexually repressed imigrants having difficulty adjusting to their new home":lol:

German chancellor angle merkl tossed that stupidity out there
Statement about Aussie crime rates in incorrect.


Well-Known Member
That is perhaps the dumbest thing I have read since I stopped ducking into the flat earth thread.
Our Constitution was drafted with the specific intent of preventing thoughts like yours from being enacted. Shall not be infringed is not a subjective statement. Do you dispute that history starts for a person when they are born? There is a ton of data available about gun restriction results and you can find anything you want. The fact is that although murder rates didn't change much, crime soared down under.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Statement about Aussie crime rates in incorrect.
snopes is credible & I won't play the " discredited left wing " nonsense,however I will point out that snopes can only qoute stats made available to them,we know the AUS government worked hard finding ways to call violent crimes & gun crimes " other " categories,its not snopes fault their info is faulty .


Well-Known Member
Does it confuse liberals when they realize there are gun toting conservatives on this forum that share some of their same interests, or does it piss them off? I guess I'm too dumb to know.


Well-Known Member
here are over 2,000 aus citizens who strongly disagree with the rigged crime stats snopes was given.

the citizens of aus are telling u & me were being lied to about the huge increases in crime,please at least view my cite as I've read yours before discrediting .

good job on posting yet another video, neo-nazi kid. we are all enlightened.

Does it confuse liberals when they realize there are gun toting conservatives on this forum that share some of their same interests, or does it piss them off? I guess I'm too dumb to know.
welcome, latest sock puppet.

us liberals are well aware of the existence of moronic right wing retards like yourself who try to dispute documented facts with hilariously stoogish youtube videos.

you'll get to meet some of your white supremacist right wing colleagues shortly.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
case in point for US gun owners,I'm over 60 years old & from a past era,member see4 is bout half my age & from millennial generation,2 people mode unlike than like,I've owned & carried firearms over 40 yrs & never once harmed another human or animal with my weapons,member see4 has owned & carried for long term & not once harmed a human or animal.

a large part of the problem is the complete lack of respect 4 life many people are now commonly taught as children,not the fault of normal people,you don't like me for your own reasons but make no mistake,I am no more a blood thirsty wildman than u are & go out of my way to avoid shooting people,to the point I no longer visit & shop in high crime areas just so I have less risk of confrontation,most firearm owners r no different than me or see4 who also prolly don't like me,our politics dont make us killers or wannabe killers,last thing I want is 2 take a life & its that way with most gun owners .

punishing or restricting " the good" citizens based on Tue actions of maniacs not only isn't fair,it has no possibility of good outcome,just because u grow don't mean u have less rights to protect your loved ones than any cop,judge,politician or Hollywood idiots,they aren't better than u or I .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
good job on posting yet another video, neo-nazi kid. we are all enlightened.
guess what " old timer" news isn't just newspapers & TV anymore,truth told having a monopoly on anything turns into serious abuses like we've seen with every monopoly,main stream media is a dead format for news & has been since they no longer report but offer opinions,I'll take my news from the average citizen reporter any day vs a multi million $ contract talking head like Don Lemon or Alex Jones.


Well-Known Member
I'm over 60 years old

i'll divide by 4 to be sure, kiddo.

punishing or restricting " the good" citizens based on Tue actions of maniacs not only isn't fair,it has no possibility of good outcome
says the guy who wants to ban all muslims because 0.0001% of them have done bad things.

it's different when the ax swings in your direction, isn't it kiddo?

post another youtube video.


Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Does it confuse liberals when they realize there are gun toting conservatives on this forum that share some of their same interests, or does it piss them off? I guess I'm too dumb to know.
there are a few who will actually debate but most have reached complete zealotry,either your 100% pro extreme progressive liberalism & the establishment or your the enemy,to be attacked in every post,called filthy names,have your manhood belittled in every post.

once u realize most who do that r college grads who've had extreme exposure to radical anarchists its easier to understand,if u want 2 know what makes these guys tick buy the book by Saul Alinsky titled " rules for radicals" and you'll see where their ideology comes from, attack instead of debate,when confronted with inescapable fact attack the person himself,anybody not virtue signaling as a progressive attacked as being a right wing Nazi with a tiny penis,don't get frustrated just hit em with facts.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member

i'll divide by 4 to be sure, kiddo.

says the guy who wants to ban all muslims because 0.0001% of them have done bad things.

it's different when the ax swings in your direction, isn't it kiddo?

post another youtube video.

divide how u like its of no matter to me,and while your at it quote the exact post where I said " I want to ban all Muslims" ,I'll be growing another neck beard while waiting for that quote to appear,and when it does it will not say I want to ban all Muslims.

you lie & twist facts at every oportunity

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Does it confuse liberals when they realize there are gun toting conservatives on this forum that share some of their same interests, or does it piss them off? I guess I'm too dumb to know.
don't confuse "liberals" with " progressives" because the 2 are wildly different in ideology,I am a liberal Democrat & so r some others,the ones your fighting with r progressives who latched onto our party & hijacked it,the progressives are the Democratic party's modern day KKK,their role is the same as the KKK,which is to bully or physically attack all who opose,as in all the face masks they wear,the colleges they attended fostered their radical ideology with professors being failed 1960's anarchists turned educators,many took classes in " social justice" and were fed Noam Chomsky & Saul Alinsky,read up on Chomsky to understand their economic dreams & Alinsky to understand their political ideology.


Well-Known Member
good job on posting yet another video, neo-nazi kid. we are all enlightened.

welcome, latest sock puppet.

us liberals are well aware of the existence of moronic right wing retards like yourself who try to dispute documented facts with hilariously stoogish youtube videos.

you'll get to meet some of your white supremacist right wing colleagues shortly.
The forum rules don't apply to you it seems.
there are a few who will actually debate but most have reached complete zealotry,either your 100% pro extreme progressive liberalism & the establishment or your the enemy,to be attacked in every post,called filthy names,have your manhood belittled in every post.

once u realize most who do that r college grads who've had extreme exposure to radical anarchists its easier to understand,if u want 2 know what makes these guys tick buy the book by Saul Alinsky titled " rules for radicals" and you'll see where their ideology comes from, attack instead of debate,when confronted with inescapable fact attack the person himself,anybody not virtue signaling as a progressive attacked as being a right wing Nazi with a tiny penis,don't get frustrated just hit em with facts.
I'm not a novice. I like to bait them and see how long it takes for them to spew forth the profanity. I'm a big boy and will admit it if I'm wrong. Alinsky, Hillary's mentor


Well-Known Member
here are over 2,000 aus citizens who strongly disagree with the rigged crime stats snopes was given.

the citizens of aus are telling u & me were being lied to about the huge increases in crime,please at least view my cite as I've read yours before discrediting .

Our gun control works. If you really need a gun, you can get one. Farmers, hunters etc all have guns. They are licensed and regulated. Your everyday Joe who lives in the suburbs neither needs nor wants a gun. We have very low levels of gun violence and have not had a single mass shooting since the laws were introduced.

Argue all you want about your pathetic country and your moronic gun laws but don't use us as an example because the vast vast majority of Australians think our gun laws are one of the best things an Aust govt has ever done.

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
jesus christ kiddo. cry some more.

you're going to be insufferable once you read ayn rand.
which rand book,ive read both lol,I read a book every day of my life,I'm sure not great literature u read but I read daily none the less,just finished Citizen of the Galaxy & am starting on the complete works of HP Lovecraft since I haven't read them in about a decade,I'm far from the toothless inbred ignorant nazi slob u try n paint me as

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
Our gun control works. If you really need a gun, you can get one. Farmers, hunters etc all have guns. They are licensed and regulated. Your everyday Joe who lives in the suburbs neither needs nor wants a gun. We have very low levels of gun violence and have not had a single mass shooting since the laws were introduced.

Argue all you want about your pathetic country and your moronic gun laws but don't use us as an example because the vast vast majority of Australians think our gun laws are one of the best things an Aust govt has ever done.
I just posted over 2,000 of your countrymen who whole heartedly disagree with every claim u just made,by the time u round up the weapons firing pin or bolt,locate the ammo from a different locked area,then unlock the firearm & assemble it all your door is kicked down & your dead.

your claims in now way hold a fraction of the weight of over 2,000 citizens .

Illinois Enema Bandit

Well-Known Member
The forum rules don't apply to you it seems.

I'm not a novice. I like to bait them and see how long it takes for them to spew forth the profanity. I'm a big boy and will admit it if I'm wrong. Alinsky, Hillary's mentor
very refreshing 2 hear,most here just refuse to debate in any way,its a mud slinging fest aimed solely at all who opose progressive liberalism in any way,good 2 have u aboard bro.


Well-Known Member
I just posted over 2,000 of your countrymen who whole heartedly disagree with every claim u just made,by the time u round up the weapons firing pin or bolt,locate the ammo from a different locked area,then unlock the firearm & assemble it all your door is kicked down & your dead.

your claims in now way hold a fraction of the weight of over 2,000 citizens .
Ummm 2000 citizens is 0.008 % of the population. Even if you find 2 million it is still a tiny proportion. As I said, the vast majority of Australians are strongly in favour of strict gun control. Have your arguments about US gun control but don't use us as an example because you are barking up the wrong tree.