No Humidity...Whats the best fix?


Hey All,

I think i have a problem with humidity. I have a 80x80x160 grow room, with 400w extractor fan and rhino filter. Im using a 400w MH buld on 24 hour cycle as my plants are currently 2.5 weeks old.

The temperature is at a constant 80% and i have piping for fresh air. The suction on the fan is strong enought to suck fresh air in via the piping at the bottom.

There is pretty much no humidity, i have been spraying the plants, put a few pots of water around the periminter of the tent, but i fear not enough.

Do you think its a good idea to put the extractor fan on a timmer? Maybe turn it on for 5 mins every 15-30 mins?

The plants are currently about 20inches below the light, but i worry that the temp would spike?

Any ideas?

Thanks guys

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
place warm (next to hot) water in the tent
place a pot on the stove once it start showing sgins of bubbling take off of stove a place in tent


Well-Known Member
i personally dont bother much about humidity other than when im bringin on seedlings or clones at the beginning but ive read of guys soaking towels and hanging them around their grow area but ,and ive just had this idea whilst typing, how about a bucket of water with a fish tank heater in it? and yeah you could timer your extractor to stop every so often, i do this during my plants dark time(im in 12/12 right now, bout 3-4 weeks) in order to stop my temps dropping too much.


Active Member
My grow room has concrete floors, so between run off from my pots and my occasionally splashing water all over the floor ( be sure any power lines are up off the floor ) I am able to keep decent amount of humidity.


Well-Known Member
i heard sum1 talkin bout that fogger gizmo last week but i dont know anything about them, as for water around ur light i try not to throw water round my grow area lol. i take it ur in uk mate? heres a decent thread for uk growers good for finding stuff in the uk as opposed to the yanks telling you to go to walmart
btw if ur gonna put the humidity up then make sure uv got enuff air movement in ur tent at all times, if u dont have one already get a clip or oscillating fan inside, that humidity can cause all sorts of fuckin mould problems and its a pure fuckin bitch to sort.


Cheers Dura, and yep, British born and bred!

I will have a punt on that fogger and update the forum with any results.