No lamps, any suggestions? (cfl related)


Well-Known Member
I don't have any old lamps to strip the lighting sockets from. I know for a fact there is at least SOMETHING I can get from the home depot or lowes that I can screw more CFLs into because I don't have the tools to wire my own. Possibly a light socket that can be plugged into a wall? (basically a lamp without the base) I like that kind of thing, do any stores sell things like that? It'd be cool if any one can link me to one.


Active Member
Yes Home Depot has metal work light fixtures that most of us CF users know about. They are really cheap, around $6 a pop :)


Well-Known Member
dude, for cfl's you can just go to any hardware store, get some of those outlet-straight-to-socket things and get a buncha y-adaptors so you can fit in two bulbs in one socket and you're set.