No leaves, probably dead ):

Alright, so this is my first time growing, that goes for all plants, not just MJ. I'm an utter novice, and already making lots of very basic mistakes.

I germinated my seed in a damp paper towel in a glass, within a few days a root was visible, so I planted it outdoors. After a day or two I decided to add some old dried mushrooms (from shroom picking gone wrong last year :P) into the soil to increase the levels of nitrogen. I accidentally unearthed the seed, and noticed the root was wrapped around it, so I had planted it the wrong way up (no comment lol). I planted it back on it's side to make it easier for it to straighten itself out, covered it back up, and watered it.

Now, over the past few days we've had lots of heavy rain, and it didn't seem like the plant was sprouting. I presumed all was lost, so I went to look again, and all I could see was a little tiny bit that looked like a root sticking out.. Stupidly I dug the entire thing up, only to realise that was the stem sprouting, so I replanted it again. Now a couple of days later, it's a bit bigger, about 1 1/2 inches above the soil, but I noticed the soil it was in was waterlogged, so I transplanted it to another container.

Other than the mistakes I made, the major problem here is the fact that I planted this seed a week and a half ago, so I would expect it to be a little bigger and have leaves by now. The stem size is believable, but there are no leaves, leading me to believe that it is either dead, or the leaves fell off, which I think means that there is no way of saving the plant anyway.

Sorry for lack of pics, I'll get some later. But yeah, the stem is green, actually looks quite healthy, but there are no leaves on the top, and it hasn't grown in height or grown leaves in a day or two, which worries me.

What do you guys think? :\

You've probably stunted it's growth. But it looks like it's doing fine. An early mistake is to think too much. Most of us make it, you probably make the same problem with girls too? It's a common mistake with everything. Once the root is out, leave it in the ground don't balls around with it.

You should have grown it for a while inside first, past the seedling stage. Where do you live and what conditions are there outside?
I live in the UK. We've had quite a bit of rain over the past two weeks, but it's expected to be sunny for most of the following week, so all's good. I'm going to let the soil dry out more between waterings as I believe the overwatering was the main problem. Thanks for the quick reply. So the lack of leaves after 2 or 3 days of the plant sprouting above ground doesn't mean it's dead?
It's a bit late to be planting in the UK. Should have planted a good few months back. Apparently we're going to have a long summer so you should be fine.

No, like I said, you stunted its growth. It's not dead.
Yeah, I'm aware I planted quite late, though I plan for an early harvest, since this grow was more about experience rather than a big yield. If I get any bud at all I'll be very happy :)

Thanks, I've been really worried. I'll keep you all updated on how it goes :)


um well the mistakes u've made...
i expect u never to make them again!
lolz it's a weed it will grow nun the less...
but quality depends on (small mistakes)
keep in mind!!!
Alright, it's been 4 days. There was some more rain, but not as bad as before, and yesterday was very hot and sunny all day. I can see no difference in the height of the stem, and leaves still haven't developed. Usually with new stems of plants, you see a pointed tip before leaves are produced, but with this stem, it's the same circumference all the way up, and it almost makes me think it had developed leaves and lost them in the initial rain.

Do you guys still think this plant has a chance? I'm going to give it quite a while before I give up on it, as it is not costing me anything to keep hoping, but I fear that I may have been right and that it is already dead.

Okay, since my camera is dead, I did a REALLY bad drawing in paint. The darker soil means below what you can see (I might be wrong and the root might have spread now, but when I moved it before it was a single long root), while the lighter soil is what you can see above ground. Notice how the stem is the same width all the way up and doesn't end in a point, with the tip almost being the same colour and consistency as a stick, where you've just removed a leaf.



Well-Known Member
you might be out of luck bud, i'd leave that one of course but start again w/ some new seeds so you dont waste 2 weeks trying to figure out if its dead or alive