No liberal bias in the Main Stream Media?


New Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]A free press? In your dreams[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]By Bill O'Reilly [/FONT]

[FONT=Helvetica, Arial]Jewish World Review |[/FONT] [FONT=Arial, Helvetica]Here are two entertainment predictions for 2007 that you can immediately take to the bank. First, Al Gore's global-warming documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," will win an Oscar, and second, the Dixie Chicks will win a Grammy for their latest album.

Everybody in the entertainment industry knows the truth of what I'm predicting, but few of them would find it inconvenient. And here's another truism: The media define American culture, and those doing the defining are almost all liberal or far-left individuals.

As Hyman Roth once asked Al Pacino's character in "Godfather II": "What does that tell you, Michael?"

It tells me the fix is in.

For months, my research staff has attempted to find one television critic writing for a major American newspaper who is a conservative thinker. They could not find one. Scores of TV writers are registered Democrats — we can't find a single registered Republican.

The same is true for film reviewers. As far as we can tell, only syndicated movie critic Michael Medved is a conservative thinker. Nearly every other writer analyzing film has left-wing credentials.

Same thing with book review editors, likewise for music critics. The field of popular culture in America is not even close to being level. It drains to the left all day, every day.

Want more? One company, Reed Business Information, owns the leading media trade publications "Variety," "Publishers Weekly" and "Broadcasting and Cable." That company is run by Tad Smith, a far-left, true believer who is a big donor to people like Howard Dean and Hillary Clinton.

And Mr. Smith has a perfect right to put his money where his mind is. He also has a right to hire editors who reflect his very liberal beliefs. And he does.

Thus, lefty projects put out by Michael Moore, Al Gore, the Dixie Chicks and scores of others generally receive fawning reviews in the trades and newspapers. Don't even ask about the relatively few conservative entertainment projects.

Every weekday publishes what many in in the media and Washington consider "must-reading". HUNDREDS of columnists and cartoonists regularly appear. Sign up for the daily JWR update. It's free. Just click here.

Well, if you have to ask, contact Patricia Heaton, who played the wife on "Everybody Loves Raymond." Ms. Heaton is pro-life, and some in Hollywood deeply resent her for it. If the actress were a liberal activist, I believe, her employment situation would be much easier.

The question, of course, is why should you care? Most Americans don't read trade journals or listen to pinhead critics. Well-educated people who have come by their political beliefs honestly will not be affected by media propaganda or unfairness.

Unfortunately, the pool of well-informed, clear-thinking Americans is shrinking, and the rise of ideological popular culture is beginning to influence the debate. Entertainers like Jon Stewart, David Letterman, and Stephen Colbert have become purveyors of information for many young Americans. Also, the pronounced left-wing media "group think" inhibits dissenting points of view. The result is that many "secular-progressives" are considered heroes in the press. And the dreaded "neo-cons" are certainly the villains.

This situation has a major influence on the discourse in America, and things are getting out of hand. Almost every major pop culture magazine tilts left. The network news broadcasts tilt left. Hollywood is a bastion of far-left thought. The teacher's unions are far left. The nation's universities are dominated by liberal, activist instructors.

Despite all that, most Americans remain traditional in their thinking, and all the polls say conservatives continue to outnumber liberals by a healthy margin. But that situation can and probably will change in the very near future.
Perhaps Al Gore might want to make a documentary about that.


Well-Known Member
Med, where is he in error above? His points are well made. If he is truly a moron you should be able to rebut him with a tad more specificity?


New Member
And here is where we wait ... and wait ... and wait ... and wait to hear the splash.

Asking Med to explain himself is akin to dropping a pebble into a bottomless well. You will NEVER, EVER hear the splash. :roll:



Well-Known Member
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica]"Perhaps Al Gore might want to make a documentary about that."

[/FONT]What a dick. that doesnt even make sense. lol. he does make a good point though: the u.s. might not be mostly conservative in the future. damn...


New Member
Al Gore? Who's Al Gore? Oh yeah ... he's the guy who couldn't win an election in Florida, even with five recounts in Democratic districts, a cadre of Shylock lawyers and the Florida Supreme Court on his side. I hear Gore has a science fiction movie out now that's doing pretty well though ... and the secret word has it that Sean Penn will be doing Gore's life story. That's the least that can be done for the guy who invented the Internet and the Lock-Box. :bongsmilie:



New Member
Al Gore? Who's Al Gore? Oh yeah ... he's the guy who couldn't win an election in Florida, even with five recounts in Democratic districts, a cadre of Shylock lawyers and the Florida Supreme Court on his side. I hear Gore has a science fiction movie out now that's doing pretty well though ... and the secret word has it that Sean Penn will be doing Gore's life story. That's the least that can be done for the guy who invented the Internet and the Lock-Box. :bongsmilie:

And that old mean streak comes sliding out. Al Gore was the rightful president of this great nation. The supreme court stole it from him, remember? BTW, what did he mean by saying John stewart might not be telling the straight news, where do you think I get my news from? Certainly not Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck, Those guys have their head stuck so far up Bushs' ass they can't see daylight and won't for years!


Well-Known Member
Med, O'Reilly is not a news man.....he is paid to express an opinion.
Glenn Beck is the same.....they are not delivering news....BTW neither is Stewart.
Dan Rather, on the other hand is a news guy who confuses opinion with news.....he actually manufactured news......
What has O'Reilly done that is remotely similar to Rathers' making things up?


New Member
Glenn Beck is the same.....they are not delivering news....BTW neither is Stewart.
Jon Stewart is the closest thing to truthful news you'll find on TV. Glenn Beck is a nazi extremest. He wants to nuke them all. (muslim extremests) Jon Stewart makes fun of the political Idiots, while Glenn Beck tries to foist their beliefs off on to the audience, Big difference. You must watch Jon Stewart once in a while to get his subtle take on national events, pretty good stuff, while Glenn Beck and Shaun Hannity are spewing hate messages by the ton. No, I'll take my news from Jon Stewart anyday compared to Glenn Beck and Shaun Hannity, they're both hate mongers!


Active Member
Well Med, we atleast know that you watch CNN for your news... since you basically quoted that opinion about Glen Beck pretty close to word for word from one of their headlines about a story saying he Hates Muslims. Which might I add is false and he states that he finds the religion to be very peacefull and loving. But somehow CNN connected him saying that "Muslim leaders of the world should be condemning the terrorrist attacks being carried out in the name of Islam." with "I hate Muslims." See the Contrast? And don't tell me that you can't see a hint of the Left's control of the Media. OPEN YOUR EYES. When was the last time you saw a democrat being badgered by Leno or Letterman....(Clinton's blow job doesn't count, That would have been funny no matter who you are.) Seriously, take your spoiled American head out of your ass and see that you are being affected everyday by the shit on TV. Things have to get done around the world while you are living in your perfect bubble called America. Someone seems to have forgotten 9/11, they will come again if we don't finish this. And the blood of those who die will be on the hands of those who didn't let us finish. They aren't spewing hate messages, they are making sure people understand the consequences of what we do right now. People would like to pull out right now and go back to thier perfect lives, I'm sorry....... They shot a rocket up our ass. We can't sit back and do nothing when someone has said they devote thier life to taking our freedom.


New Member
Well Med, we at least know that you watch CNN for your news... Well, I must assume you watch FOX, The most bush agenda spewing punditry of all "news" stations. If you believe them then, Guess what, you are unbelievable. Glenn Beck belongs on FOX, certainly not CNN, but at least CNN is letting a right wing pundit espouse his bullshit whereas FOX would never allow a lefty.. Maybe what you call left leaning bullshit is more like common sense and lord knows, no-one that watches FOX knows anything about common sense. So whereas I watch many news outlets (including Fox) it is pretty well a conclusion that you get your info from Bush and FOX news. Happy swilling, the anti-truth serum is affecting your mind!


Well-Known Member
Med have you heard of William Arkin?
NBC's news "analyst".....what is the Fox equivalent?


New Member
Med have you heard of William Arkin?
NBC's news "analyst".....what is the Fox equivalent?
Sorry, haven't heard of him. I'm losing brain cells faster than a pimp at a police convention. Probably by next week I'll forget to come to this site,,anyway, what's your point?


New Member
Probably by next week I'll forget to come to this site ...

ViRedd ---->>> Biting tongue.
