no light for three days before chop?


Well-Known Member
Haha, well, after 3 days darkness there was still no difference to the branches cut before the dark period. Besides, it wasn't intended to be a scientific experiment...More of a "Lets just make sure these people are full of shit" test...Which, might I add, proved exactly what I was originally looking to observe. Why are you so condescending? There are friendly ways to tell people they are

i'm not being condescending at all. i'm offering advice with basic facts.

dude starts a thread, asks a question, we all answer, then he says he doesn't even care to begin with.

then he asks me another question. :roll:

yes, vinegar, it brings out all the hallucinogens. ;)


Well-Known Member
You just sort of come off sounding like a manager who's on his 100th time telling the employees to sweep BEFORE they


Well-Known Member
naw, i just don't get why people ask for advice when they don't really want it.
Eh...thats the problem with advice. Most of the time people just want you to tell them what they want to hear. The truth is hard to take, I guess...Keep up the good work!


Well-Known Member
I noticed my trichs got more milky/amber with 48 hours of super cold darkness and had a little purpling as well. So i think it absolutely works.;-)


Well-Known Member
I noticed my trichs got more milky/amber with 48 hours of super cold darkness and had a little purpling as well. So i think it absolutely works.;-)
did you leave any plants in the light to see if there was a difference?

who's to say that wouldn't have happened anyways?



Well-Known Member
i see comprehension is as lacking as your spelling.

i think trying to "trick" your plants into anything is amateurish. if you've done everything right from the beginning there is no need for any of this nonsense.
Last time i checked, anyone who indoor grows "tricks" the plant. You know that thing called switching the lighting to induce the flowering cycle? Yea, tricking the plant into thinking fall has come. So first stay off a thread if all you have is an opinion based on no information. I personally think that it is WORTH TRYING at least. And i commend Bluntedddd for doing us a favor by trying it to see the results! Don't knock it til you've tried it is what i'm goin with on this one. Let me know how it works out bluntedddd, i'm always open for information through trial and error.


Well-Known Member
did you leave any plants in the light to see if there was a difference?

who's to say that wouldn't have happened anyways?

Its possible i cant definitively say for sure, but i did closely examine each plant with a scope checking the trichome production, coloration, and also just looking at the plants as a whole.
After the 48 hours of darkness there were pretty dramatic changes, it could merely be a coincidence, or it could be the darkness that caused it. I did not do one dark and one with light, i gave all plants 48 hrs of darkness, and to know for sure, i would have had to have done a side by side, with one in light, and one in dark, then compare the two as you mentioned.
On a side note, i have done a separate side by side testing for better odor,smell,color, etc. This might be controversial, but i will never, ever trim a plant when wet again.
You get far superior everything! smell, smoothness, effect, color, taste, odors, duration, you name it, this really inst talked about enough and allot of people make the mistake of trimming when wet and yes it is a mistake, and then reduce their quality significantly. :-?


Well-Known Member
You sure about not trimming a plant when wet Ive heard the opposite from long time growers....>Ah shit this isn't even on topic. Gonna do some searching on this one.
FDD is right if you grow it right how can that not work to its best potential. I have smoked some fucking killer bud and I know it wasn't given any 24hr or whatever dark period......> Best weed Ive ever smoked has always been outdoor worked strains and giving them 3 days of dark is kinda hard..unless you have a small plant you can move.
In fact I'm gonna try it and start a damn solid thread with my clones when I find my keeper and hopefully it will shed some light. Maybe I will be amazed maybe I won't but I want to find out myself in a way now.


Well-Known Member
You sure about not trimming a plant when wet Ive heard the opposite from long time growers....>Ah shit this isn't even on topic. Gonna do some searching on this one.
FDD is right if you grow it right how can that not work to its best potential. I have smoked some fucking killer bud and I know it wasn't given any 24hr or whatever dark period......> Best weed Ive ever smoked has always been outdoor worked strains and giving them 3 days of dark is kinda hard..unless you have a small plant you can move.
In fact I'm gonna try it and start a damn solid thread with my clones when I find my keeper and hopefully it will shed some light. Maybe I will be amazed maybe I won't but I want to find out myself in a way now.
Yes, i would never recommend trimming when wet, yes its easier to trim when wet, but its not worth the sacrifice and forfeit of everything that goes wrong when trimming it wet.


Well-Known Member
Last time i checked, anyone who indoor grows "tricks" the plant. You know that thing called switching the lighting to induce the flowering cycle? Yea, tricking the plant into thinking fall has come. So first stay off a thread if all you have is an opinion based on no information. I personally think that it is WORTH TRYING at least. And i commend Bluntedddd for doing us a favor by trying it to see the results! Don't knock it til you've tried it is what i'm goin with on this one. Let me know how it works out bluntedddd, i'm always open for information through trial and error.
you caught me, i'm new to this all. sorry. :(


I'm curios of how this method of harvest is when you move trimming after the drying stage. Do you just cut the main branch and dry it whole then trim it after? Should the drying be longer than when it is trimmed first? I would appreciate some steps on your take tryingtogrow89 on how you harvest your ladies.


Active Member
You sure about not trimming a plant when wet Ive heard the opposite from long time growers....>Ah shit this isn't even on topic. Gonna do some searching on this one.
FDD is right if you grow it right how can that not work to its best potential. I have smoked some fucking killer bud and I know it wasn't given any 24hr or whatever dark period......> Best weed Ive ever smoked has always been outdoor worked strains and giving them 3 days of dark is kinda hard..unless you have a small plant you can move.
In fact I'm gonna try it and start a damn solid thread with my clones when I find my keeper and hopefully it will shed some light. Maybe I will be amazed maybe I won't but I want to find out myself in a way now.
id like to know the results if and when you do this. i need concrete proof or info of the fail.


Well-Known Member
Its possible i cant definitively say for sure, but i did closely examine each plant with a scope checking the trichome production, coloration, and also just looking at the plants as a whole.
After the 48 hours of darkness there were pretty dramatic changes, it could merely be a coincidence, or it could be the darkness that caused it. I did not do one dark and one with light, i gave all plants 48 hrs of darkness, and to know for sure, i would have had to have done a side by side, with one in light, and one in dark, then compare the two as you mentioned.
On a side note, i have done a separate side by side testing for better odor,smell,color, etc. This might be controversial, but i will never, ever trim a plant when wet again.
You get far superior everything! smell, smoothness, effect, color, taste, odors, duration, you name it, this really inst talked about enough and allot of people make the mistake of trimming when wet and yes it is a mistake, and then reduce their quality significantly. :-?
Is it ok to just trim the big fan leaves? Or did you not trim even the big fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
I simply cut the plant at the base of the stock and hang it up. About 4 - 5 days later you may remove all the largest fan leaves that have no tichomes on them.
Then you keep them hanging until how ever many more days it takes for the stem to snap. then when they are that dry then cut the buds off the branches into jars for curing.

If your not selling and using strictly for personal, then it inst necessary to remove all the pointed close-to-the-bud sugar coated leaves.
What i do, is when i want to toke, i pull out a dry bud out of the jar, and remove all longer leaves that are resin covered and put them aside for hash,butter or what ever.
then break into the bud and toke, its like unwrapping a banana every time i toke. (budana)bongsmilie


I simply cut the plant at the base of the stock and hang it up. About 4 - 5 days later you may remove all the largest fan leaves that have no tichomes on them.
Then you keep them hanging until how ever many more days it takes for the stem to snap. then when they are that dry then cut the buds off the branches into jars for curing.

If your not selling and using strictly for personal, then it inst necessary to remove all the pointed close-to-the-bud sugar coated leaves.
What i do, is when i want to toke, i pull out a dry bud out of the jar, and remove all longer leaves that are resin covered and put them aside for hash,butter or what ever.
then break into the bud and toke, its like unwrapping a banana every time i toke. (budana)bongsmilie

This is the best way to dry. One of the biggest reasons is because you want to dry the bud slowly, and by removing it from the stalk, cutting away fan leaves, etc, you're eliminating moisture that would be drawn through the buds while drying. If you trim and hang wet buds you lose a lot of the terpenes which are what create the aroma we've all come to love :) There's plenty of other reasons too related to taste, odor, smoothness of smoke, etc. Dry your buds plants like tryingtogrow89 says, good info brah!