no light question


Active Member
ok i have six plants that just started (about 1/2 - 1 inch).. they are under 24 hour light right now, i was wondering if they were to be in the dark for a few hours if that would stress them out at all and cause any problems.


18 on an 6 off is fine. i've had success without shock doing non-regular light patterns for vegetative growth. this time i'm using 18/6. you can also use 16 on and 8 off. as long as u don't push it too close to 12/12, you're gonna grow. but, as always, the more light the better. however, many would argue that plants need the light cycle to properly grow. so, read up on veg-lighting philosophy, i'm sure there are tons of other threads about it.

hope this helps some,



Active Member
yeah i was just going to hide them for a few hours, my dad is coming over for a visit and hes always snooping around for things.. go figure


Active Member
i had to hide mine one day and they were about the same height. pulled threw fine and still growing