No money but tons of weed


Well-Known Member
ooops i snipped a lower bud... oh well ive trimmed the leafs from arround it and am going to stick the bud, in the oven for 1/2 an hour uncovered? and also im going to put the leafs in an envelope and put that in with it too, should i put the bud in the envelope too?


Well-Known Member
I have a fluorescent shop light, like a long rectangle with the fluorescent tubes. There is an internal ballast, so above this the painted aluminum surface is a bit hotter than is comfortable to touch, say 120 to 130 degrees (just guessing). If I put a small bud there is will definitely dry enough to burn in about one hour.


Well-Known Member
dont wrecks the trichs, roll up in a bit of newspaper, put on top of boiler in kitchen for a few hours,pref overnight,roll smoke..or cook with it, Come on Baz,use yer immagination man ! lol..ime in the same boat as you m8,fekin skint but oh such luvlyness hiding away in the attic.....


Well-Known Member
hot knives?

lol fdd... bet you bath in yours !! and you live in a house made out of weed filled with weed furniture,and little weed children running round playing with the weed dog....ok ok ime geting carried away now,its just youre my idol and i want you to addopt me and let me come and carry all youre weed around for you and serve you weed meals washed down with weed wine....fek..ime losing it really should stop growing soooooo much weed fdd !...(no he shouldnt)...lots of love ,youre no1 fan xxxxxxxxxx


Well-Known Member
Lmao bazoomer..

Wooooooooooooow!!!!! well what can i say, i cut a bud off trimmed it stuck it in the oven for 20 mins in an envelope.. took it out and whilst rolling it my gf decided to tell me i got a bag of skunk upstairs that i forgot about............ Women!!!!!

Anyhoo just smoked it, didnt tastse that bad really, just a little harsh on the last bit. But it has given me quite a nice buz, im really glad i did it as i was getting a tad bored with my 100% sativa, with all the time involved with flowering

But after smoking that.. Wow i can't believe what i have got under my stairs

Man im getting a better buzz off of this than 70% of the weed i buy ha ha ha

Wtf is all that about?

Happy Happy Happy!!!!


Well-Known Member
^ cool cool Baz good to see it worked for ya. How long have you been smoking? i remember when i was growing up if my mother didnt get a bowl a day shed be a royal B**** the whole family would leave the house for the day. quite funny


Well-Known Member
^ cool cool Baz good to see it worked for ya. How long have you been smoking? i remember when i was growing up if my mother didnt get a bowl a day shed be a royal B**** the whole family would leave the house for the day. quite funny
been smoking it about 14 years on and off, but only smoke a couple of J's on an evening after work, not through the day. When i have a shit day at work thats when i need a smoke most


Well-Known Member
careful for nutrient headache man if there not flushed your head will feel like its going to crack open


Well-Known Member
Cheers bud never thought of that.. only wanted the 1 to sort my head out and have a preview of things to come :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Cheers bud never thought of that.. only wanted the 1 to sort my head out and have a preview of things to come :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
Nothing easy man... feel like you opened a can of worms......
" All I wanted was a puff "............ LOL.


Well-Known Member
No seriously lol, tasted ok and did the trick

Can't believe i been paying stupid money for weed

Im gonna have a nice yieled of decent weed by the looks of things

Quite happy for my first grow :weed:


Well-Known Member
isnt it satisfying. watching them grow up know what was put in it, then get to smoke it alll upppp.. mmmmmmm


Well-Known Member
yup, cant wait till harvest day i put alot of time and effort in to her, the bit i snipped from the bottom. So im guessing the higer bigger buds and the main cola will be better

The bud i snipped was second from bottom node, and she got about 6 or 8 of them + the main cola

I can not wait lol