no money for good soil???????


Well-Known Member
i am root bound and can't afford good soil and shipping there is now stores around here that have good stuff I have good soil in pots outside in freezing temps 3-25 degrees F (not pot plants) should i heat this soil to sterilize it or can i just use it when it gets to room temp???????????????:?:

if i have to heat it what temp should i go to???????????????????:?:



Well-Known Member
Hello soil's cheap as hell you could even say it's "dirt cheap"... and there's usually small bags of it even in places like CVS, Walgreens, or wherever even during the winter months, soil doesn't need to be expensive or exotic to be good. What you'll wanna do is get a bigger pot (assuming you can afford the $2.50) then lay a bed and the walls with soil. After that trim the outside of your root ball, removing just a bit of the outside roots - this will help the existing roots expand into the new pot. If you can afford the $8 you may end up spending, you should not be trying to grow weed and instead trying to land a job. Good luck.

EDIT: Oh and don't reuse soil, and especially don't go heating it up to sterilize, it's going to smell like burnt shit.


Well-Known Member
trying to fill a 5 gallon bucket here, im not that broke there is just nothing around here its 1-2 hours for stores like that and i don't care about the smell


Well-Known Member
dont quote me but i've heard of people baking the soil before use....... i dont do that stuff, just something ive read and no, i dont know the temperature either lol. i would imagine on LOW but i dont know how long.


Well-Known Member
i see no plants in those pictures whats rootbound you can fully flower a rootbound plant no problem you may have to water and feed it more often but you can flower a healthy root bound plant where are the plants how big are they.... and what are stores like that????


Well-Known Member
ok soil is like under 10 dollars. and i wouldnt go and start baking soil cuz the thing is in soil there are alot of minerals and nuets that your gunna need to grow your bud. there are a bunch stores that sell soil. u just gotta look. home depot? lowes? walmart? etc.