No more couchlock!!!


Well-Known Member
I understand we all may have "couchlock" from time to time, and I am also not saying people aren't trying.... But the time is now, and not any later to put an end to this prohibition. The laws can and will be changed when people get up and stand for what is right and actually do something about it together.

Being still, never got African American's to have freedom, and neither will the same apply to the freedom of usage of Cannabis.

People need to make the time....Just imagine if there were a (peaceful) march of a million plus or more people who support Cannabis. Just imagine making a real difference. Then what other choice would the laws have, but to change.

Now...I surely understand that all of the ones who have plenty of Cannabis for themselves tend to feel...(well.... got my stash who gives a crap about someone else.)

Sure, there would always be those people. But, think of it how many others have suffered cause of the illegality of it federally, or what about those who desperately need it in other parts of the country?

Stand up for your freedoms while you still have the chance!!!

And also...sure, there will be those who frown upon its usage, but they will be no different than that of those who are ignorant about other races etc...

However, the difference would be that we all would truly be free.

The choice is yours...I've got the time... I will march and stand up for what is about you?


Well-Known Member
P.S. I hope you all care, and if you do then let me know so I can organize this and we can finally all live in peace, with true freedom. I am really serious about this and not playing around as a joke or a parody.

Here is the beginning of a Cannabis Constitution and Bill of Rights...Will you help me finish it?

We the people find these truths to be self evident, The truth that We the people have the right to choose, The truth that We the people have value and knowingly declare ourselves to be free of any tyranny and anything that would suppress of our freedoms. We the people are declaring that we have unequivocal rights to choose what we should consume. Under this right to consume Cannabis, it is our right to have that choice, and to never have that freedom or choice taken away from us.


Active Member
Great Idea brother!!
Yea, you could be like the thomas jefferson of potheads...

Seriously though, I don't think the problem with pot activism is apathy. It's a bit like with the gays, in that 'coming out' as a smoker and publicly advocating for legalization carries some serious social stigma and I do think that many of us are worried that it could hurt our careers. Say you're applying for a job, your prospective employer googles your name and the first thing that comes up is that you're the assistant treasurer for norml in your state, chances are you're not going to be getting that job...

I know it makes me sounds like a huge pussy and a hypocrite, but I do worry about that. I'm done growing for the time being, but when I had plants in my basement, that was also something that made me wary of becoming too active on the issue. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. So I wouldn't assume that the only reason for the lack of political activism in the cannabis community is 'couchlock'...


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen the documentary "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High" I learned alot about why it is not legal, (profit mostly) If ya havent seen it, check it out.


Active Member
Yeah, that movie is awesome...

Also really makes you think about the scale of the black market for pot, like the part where they go to the underground railroad cars.

But frankly, we already have a constitution that allows states to make these kinds of decisions for themselves. It's hard to see how federal cannabis laws are constitutional. Let's just use the constitution we already have....

i would like to pursue my happiness my own way please, thank you very much.


Active Member
Not a bad idea, but the wording "We the people are declaring that we have unequivocal rights to choose what we should consume. Under this right to consume Cannabis, it is our right to have that choice, and to never have that freedom or choice taken away from us"....leaves a lot of loopholes that most people can not wrap their brains around.

I am tryng to compile actual data as to just how safe legalizing pot actually is, by looking at crime rates of states that have vs those who don't, and try that route.
It is hard data to come by however.


Well-Known Member
Yea, you could be like the thomas jefferson of potheads...

Seriously though, I don't think the problem with pot activism is apathy. It's a bit like with the gays, in that 'coming out' as a smoker and publicly advocating for legalization carries some serious social stigma and I do think that many of us are worried that it could hurt our careers. Say you're applying for a job, your prospective employer googles your name and the first thing that comes up is that you're the assistant treasurer for norml in your state, chances are you're not going to be getting that job...

I know it makes me sounds like a huge pussy and a hypocrite, but I do worry about that. I'm done growing for the time being, but when I had plants in my basement, that was also something that made me wary of becoming too active on the issue. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. So I wouldn't assume that the only reason for the lack of political activism in the cannabis community is 'couchlock'...
Understood.... I used the word couchlock for added effect not the actual state of being so stoned of your arse that you never do anything, ;) LOL

You are correct in your statement that the job market would undoubtedly frown, but there are prices we all have to pay. I would rather not be hired for a job because I along with others brought a freedom to this country, than be hired and end up being fired for the usage. The place would not be worth working at if they were so ignorant as to not hire someone because of that.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever seen the documentary "The Union: The Business Behind Getting High" I learned alot about why it is not legal, (profit mostly) If ya havent seen it, check it out.
I am completely aware of why it is illegal. And that only fuels me further to stop it. ;) Good documentary though, and you are right, if more people already knew then it would probably already be legal. However, I can guarantee that if you or I asked 100 plus people what Cannabis was, a vast percentage of them would not even know. But they sure know what MJ is and that is how good propaganda can be. (I said MJ cause don't use racist or derogatory connotations like weed pot dope etc... I like to use the plants real name) Hemp is also acceptable. LOL


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that movie is awesome...

Also really makes you think about the scale of the black market for pot, like the part where they go to the underground railroad cars.

But frankly, we already have a constitution that allows states to make these kinds of decisions for themselves. It's hard to see how federal cannabis laws are constitutional. Let's just use the constitution we already have....

i would like to pursue my happiness my own way please, thank you very much.
I apologize if it seemed as if I was trying to impose upon any of your freedoms of free will etc... HOWEVER, our current bill of rights don't work and or apply with this and are obviously not working because if our current constitution did allow us to have these freedoms then well...need I say anything further...and I will not fear monger but state a fact...Regardless of what the state laws say, the FEDERAL LAW can come in and put you in jail and others. THIS IS WRONG. Albeit a rare occasion where it happens, it still does, and even though I see your point...the attitude of pursuing your happiness is only fruitful until someone comes and takes it away from you.

And that is why I want to have the freedom across the ENTIRE country. Here are a couple of quotes that hopefully may stir your thoughts...

Henry David Thoreau...."The law will never make men free, it is men that have to make the law free."
Clarence Darrow..."You can protect your liberties in this world only by protecting the other man's freedom. You can be free only if I am free."

And lastly one I'm sure you can appreciate from this Hemp farmer he knew alot about "plants" ;)... George Washington..."Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth."


Well-Known Member
I already am.
Awesome... If you have that attitude, then YOU have already WON :) All we need now is more people of the same resolute/determined attitude and then THEY will have WON too.

:) Let us keep going and never stop until we have achieved this and I will guarantee the law will change. :)


Well-Known Member
Not a bad idea, but the wording "We the people are declaring that we have unequivocal rights to choose what we should consume. Under this right to consume Cannabis, it is our right to have that choice, and to never have that freedom or choice taken away from us"....leaves a lot of loopholes that most people can not wrap their brains around.

I am tryng to compile actual data as to just how safe legalizing pot actually is, by looking at crime rates of states that have vs those who don't, and try that route.
It is hard data to come by however.
Great Idea Sharon1... I have some marketing experience and will try to make it easier for you, as it will be difficult to attain consistent and or non population density based results that may skew the data not in your favor because of the way numbers look in a population report.

City is one site but alas not as complete as one would like. There are always public records and that may take an entire team of analysts to compile all the data from all states, but either way you are a valuable part to helping us all attain our freedoms and don't ever give up till you own it. KEEP IT UP :)

The states with the highest ;) haha....anyways... the highest population will be obviously the ones with the higher crime rate based upon population, so if you haven't considered this yet, you can plot the data based upon a comparison of what is most important to people and that is the VIOLENT crimes. This will help you narrow the parameters and make the numbers work for you better.... Since you may or may not have done this already, you'll also want to make sure the data is not in any way skewed based upon the TOTAL amount of crime in an area and to COMPLETELY eliminate crimes involving the use, sale, possession of cannabis etc...


Well-Known Member
Just a shot in the dark, but if you make drugs LEGAL then you should have a HUGE decrease in crime, Approx 25-35% of prisoners are there on drug charges alone, so logically you should have a 25-35% reduction in crime.


Active Member
Great Idea Sharon1... I have some marketing experience and will try to make it easier for you, as it will be difficult to attain consistent and or non population density based results that may skew the data not in your favor because of the way numbers look in a population report.

City is one site but alas not as complete as one would like. There are always public records and that may take an entire team of analysts to compile all the data from all states, but either way you are a valuable part to helping us all attain our freedoms and don't ever give up till you own it. KEEP IT UP :)

The states with the highest ;) haha....anyways... the highest population will be obviously the ones with the higher crime rate based upon population, so if you haven't considered this yet, you can plot the data based upon a comparison of what is most important to people and that is the VIOLENT crimes. This will help you narrow the parameters and make the numbers work for you better.... Since you may or may not have done this already, you'll also want to make sure the data is not in any way skewed based upon the TOTAL amount of crime in an area and to COMPLETELY eliminate crimes involving the use, sale, possession of cannabis etc...
hey, thanks much for the tips. +R for ya


Well-Known Member
Just a shot in the dark, but if you make drugs LEGAL then you should have a HUGE decrease in crime, Approx 25-35% of prisoners are there on drug charges alone, so logically you should have a 25-35% reduction in crime.
You got it ;) It really is that simple too...