No more minimum for Queenie

It seems to be some craze here lol. I've been around growers since I was a wee lad and I never saw solo cups used......until internet forums come up and everyone is straight up obsessed with using inadequate containers.

It's like a rite of passage or something. I have obviously failed.
I started my first grow with 32oz Fun Cups from Round Table. Some rubber tubing, a gallon milk jug, and a cheap aquarium pump and timer. Oh, and fish tank gravel was my medium. Flood and drain with Miracle Grow plant food, lol.
I started my first grow with 32oz Fun Cups from Round Table. Some rubber tubing, a gallon milk jug, and a cheap aquarium pump and timer. Oh, and fish tank gravel was my medium. Flood and drain with Miracle Grow plant food, lol.
Fishtank gravel. That's absolute gold. Would have never entered my head. Can't see why it wouldn't work though.

I went super simple from day one. Threw a seed into a 3 gallon pot of $4 potting mix. Grew it. Got 155g first time round with an auto. I treated it like any other plant and it somehow worked.

My head would explode otherwise. Way too much choices.
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How exactly does one get banned from here? I would not be able to count on five severed hands how many times I've been a complete tool here with zero repercussions....
Same, and I've never even had a warning and I've thrown some harsh words...even posted a few penis pics.

Have you had a full meltdown? That’s usually step 1

Oh yeah, there's definitely some steps involved.
You have to run around gaslighting first, then play the victim, and THEN have a meltdown.

Bonus points if you create sock accounts to troll yourself.