No more shipping to the US etc.

thats what im sayin, his shit dont even make sense.
they even gave him his $ back and you say fuck em? dumb shit
Dumb shit?? Why the hate?....I got billed by two companys for one order..When I brought this to Attitudes attention they said "We'll give your money back, have a good day." No explanation on how the other company ( a company in the U.K.) got my credit card info..At the very least the customer service was for shit at the worst it's fraud...Attitude was on my cc statement and so was a company called HES. Who the fuck is HES and why do they know my credit card number? When I ask Attitude about how HES got my credit card number they come back with " You'll get your money back on the card in 2-3 days, peace" No explanation what so ever. I've been straight about getting my money back from the jump.
no hate i thought u pressed the button 2x' did you?
if not dont even worry about it had to be a mistake or attitude would had said fuck it we dont know who HES is.
honest mistake on their part.
And just for the record it was 2 different amounts, which kinda blows the whole pushing the button twice thing out of the water...On my confirmation e-mail it said it will be billed as Attitude gifts OR Attitude T-shirts, not HES,not to mention both charges went thru so I should have gotten 2 confirmation e-mails. I had to do a charge back against HES-NOT ATTITUDE...I even told them I still wanted my seeds and to keep the original $52.11 on my credit card. If you owned a company and someone sent you an e-mail asking why 2 charges went thru from 2 seperate companies (each with their own credit accounts) wouldn't you drop them an explanation, not just say "We'll give your money back, Peace" NO MENTION OF WHO HES IS.....You call me a lil Hoe and then say "No hate"
Whatever Dude, go complain about Dr. Chronic some more.
dude all were trying to say is you are the only person that has ever complained about anything from attitude... no one has ever had that happen to them before. either you did something wrong or they made an honest mistake, big deal you got your money back so what... people are straight up not getting seeds and still getting charged from the doc, why wouldn't they be complaining lol
oh thats was someone else then you had gotten fraud..

someone on here had gotten something like that but it was like 3k.

I called u a hoe cause the way u said u got fucked over was straight BS.. get ya story right.
If you would have posted this in da first fuckin place you wouldn't had gotten that response chill the fuck out.

Im not complaining I had never been duked by him or others so shut that shit up.
thats because how everybody talks on here, where we get our seeds,how we get ous seeds,u dont think that this site isnt visited by the wrong people....... im sure it is
of course it is, but people don't know any better and say all kinds of shit, some people just don't have any common sense...
so that means i will be stocking up on some shit,its to bad that they have to treat cannabis like this, fuck asprin hurts u more than pot...oh just got my dvd of the hemp revolution....:joint::joint:
of course it is, but people don't know any better and say all kinds of shit, some people just don't have any common sense...

exactly what i've been sayin.
Some PPLE on here are dumb as fuck.
No common sense at all like you said.:wall:
Like how can you not know not to take pictures of the stealth.
The closet you seen me say or pictures of the stealth is just the dime bags the seeds come in.

I saw this whole grow journal w/ nirvanas stealth right at the beginning and this hoe got pissed when dvs told called im out for doin it.

My lil bro got more sense than some these motherfuckers on here. and he's only a freshmen in HS.

I'm not even gonna say shit to the dumb asses anymore trying to be nice n correct them on it dont work.
haha nice... yeah im lucky i just got all three of my orders from the doc and now no more shipping to the us....
you tell em mane lol... just tryin to help and people gotta fight ya on it. oh well let them think what they want...
thanks Dk i done got tired of the dumb ass posters on here makes me sick when they dont use whats common sense.
this shit aint rocket science you dont tell the whole neighborhood that you growin, what makes them think they can come on here where 1,000's of pple come in n out n can see ya threads.
book smarts is all that goes around these days i guess.
apparantly so... so are the views on threads just from memebrs or from everyone all together? either way thats shit loads of people...
that they fault raider.
I aint got no reason to bs on shit like this.
you dont see many pple tellin people how not to get caught,stay lowkey etc.
Cause it's common sense and alot of people dont have it on here.

U try n warn pple n tell them shit they should be able to put together themselves and they play dumb:confused:
Pple on here just dont have street smarts. They get ripped and go right back to the same place that ripped them. It should only take one time to wise the fuck up n keep it movin.

They must cant understand real shit i guess.
exactly what i've been sayin.
Some PPLE on here are dumb as fuck.
No common sense at all like you said.:wall:
Like how can you not know not to take pictures of the stealth.
The closet you seen me say or pictures of the stealth is just the dime bags the seeds come in.

I saw this whole grow journal w/ nirvanas stealth right at the beginning and this hoe got pissed when dvs told called im out for doin it.

My lil bro got more sense than some these motherfuckers on here. and he's only a freshmen in HS.

I'm not even gonna say shit to the dumb asses anymore trying to be nice n correct them on it dont work. __________________ Coming Bra:bigjoint:

Good observation, and it doesn't help when forum members on here post pictures of packaging and "stealth" items on their grow journals like morons. It was also disappointing that the site admins didn't pull his pics of said stuff either. ppl like this jeopardize the safety/ security of good folks on here, common sense will tell you that. "Here everybody, look what my seeds came in! This is the envelope, and this is the insert, and this is where they hid the seeds in" F@$%'n IDIOT.