no noob- keep finding seeds in bud


Well-Known Member
Wtf so from time to time I have found some seeds in my bud, not many at all. I recently found a few small light leaks (about 3 weeks ago). I fixed them. The leak was into the lights in my veg room, so they would get the leak 6 hours earlier than lights on.

Well just today looking at my 1 of 3 lights in flower (harvest 1 light every 3 weeks) the light just 5.5 weeks in has a ton of seeds, more than ive ever seen before... I'm freaked out and dissapointed. I looked all over and can't find any hermie, but the plants I harvested 2 weeks ago had a couple seeds and found a couple hermies presumably from the light leak...

So I can't find any hermies, and can't find any light leaks after I fixed the ones 3 weeks ago. What should I do? Put up all new panda film and clean fans to kill pollin If any in the room? Or is this over kill.

I kinda don't want to just sit back and hope I got it with the light leaks 3 weeks ago (assuming the seeds under This light are from pollin of recently harvested plants 2 weeks ago) and have the problem really be that I'm missing something else and continue. This shit is honestly embarrassing... I've been in the game for a while and it's just happening over the last year(new location)

Fuck help me what should I do? Redo the room? Assume its from old hermie with leak fixed?

I sat down there for 15 min and couldn't find any light leak just now.....

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Well-Known Member
Btw the seeds were fairly developed just starting to have the darker final seed color but still more white than anything. I'm sure this could help determine date of pollination. They were full sized and on the large side. So if I can trace this back to 2+ weeks ago that means it's prob from the pineapple express I found seeds on and bananas on during the last harvest.


Well-Known Member
i would get some of that kitchen cleaner with bleach or mixup some bleach and water in a spreyer and wipe it down . if ure more comfortabble with replacement go 4 it . if no male was present and u wernt around a male spitting out pollen that might have gotten on youre clothes id say it would have to be hermi pollen . my best guess


Well-Known Member
Fuck I'm a stoner, now that I remember I had an mk ultra in that group that hermied, that prompted me to look for leaks so that's what its from


Well-Known Member
I'll tell u what u need to do. Go bake some cookies. Grab yourself some fruit snacks and a bag of chips. Grab yourself a 40oz of colt 45. Grab a flashlight and a sleeping bag. Now your all ready to find that light leak.