No Nutes


Well-Known Member
is it possible to have a grow from start o finish with only potting soil and water, no nutes?


Well-Known Member
Yes! Actually there is a thread somewhere where a guy grew 12/12 from seed in old soil from a previous grow and watered it with tap water. And planted 19 seeds in two 5 gallon rubbermaid tubs. Imma search for it. If i find it, I'll post the link.


Well-Known Member
yes it is possible , but they will not reach there full potential and may not be healthy.:-(

every living thing needs to be fed at some time...:-)


Well-Known Member
All you need is a good organic soil mix and you're good to go. Your plants will grow fuller with nutes, but I've seen some very nice "no-nute" grows.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info guys. i asked cause my plant has a lot of leaves with light green edges and then one of them had the tips browning so I was wondering if that was because of a lack of nuts or somethins