No nutrience untill 3rd week of flower.

days to daze

Active Member
So all my plants are getting on to be 3 and a half weeks in veg..

im starting to see sex now .. within the next few days i will decide which are males and move them to another room ..
i CANT use nutrience untill week three of flower... is that going to be a problem? they dont look like they need it now but in flower will they be crying out for it? or can i go three weeks?
if i didnt use any say for the whole grow would they not make it?
and at 3 weeks will they be showing drastic signs of needing it?

its AK47 and Chronic both from serious seeds... one is at 5 weeks veg and has a tiny tiny bit of nute burn on a couple of leaves so i guess they are fine now..

sorry for ranting.


Well-Known Member
if you don't feed them until the 3rd week of flowering then your plants are gona show severe signs of nute def.... why can't you feed them until then??


Well-Known Member
if you don't feed them until the 3rd week of flowering then your plants are gona show severe signs of nute def.... why can't you feed them until then??
Not really my friend. :)

I've seen people grow plants before.. using no nutes at all. No nutes during the entire grow. Wasn't much of a harvest.. but it still made it to harvest without any nutrients at all.

Think about it, a natural environment for Cannabis.. is outdoors of course. Well, a wild cannabis plant.. that is growing on its own out in the wild.. it doesn't get any special nutrients.. and they grow just fine.

So again, you don't technically have to give a plant nutrients.. ;) People choose to do so.. in hopes to have bigger plants and harvests. :)



Well-Known Member
ya he might not need to feed them if his soil already has food in it, but i bet you a million bucks his plants will not grow worth shit if he does not feed them so i have to completely disagree with you, also by that point his plants will be so deficient that it will be hard for them to recover. could you last 3 weeks without eating anything???? and soil outside naturally has food in it but inside it usually doesn't

trichlone fiend

New Member
if you don't feed them until the 3rd week of flowering then your plants are gona show severe signs of nute def.... why can't you feed them until then??
Not true. A quality soil has enough goodies in it for about a month. A plant in its veg state will not absorb as much fertilizers as a plant in flower.


Well-Known Member
like i said if the soil has food in it then he is fine but if you use promix like myself then you need to feed once a week at least, I guess the big question is? what type of soil are you using???


i have 2 trainwrecks and 1 pineapple express and no nutrients and my babies look amazing 4 weeks into flowering...dude, you should be ok until then.


Well-Known Member
i have 2 trainwrecks and 1 pineapple express and no nutrients and my babies look amazing 4 weeks into flowering...dude, you should be ok until then.
did your food start with nutes in it? because i just experienced a sever nitrogen def 2 weeks into flowering because i was feeding my ladies way to lite....

trichlone fiend

New Member
...okay, let's clear this up for max.
If your using a promix (vermurculite/perelite/petemoss) or anything similar, there is nothing in them and you will need fertilizers a.s.a.p.

SOIL, has a micro battlefield included....soil has benefitial bacteria that slowly breakdown and supply a plant with what it needs without any direct fertilizer., promix, and soil are completely different. If you try to add fertilizers to soil too early, you'll get a burn/lockout....promix needs fertilizer ASAP.


Well-Known Member
well, that's your opinion.

you have the right to disagree with me.

However, the fact remains. Wild cannabis plants that grow out in the wild.. they don't get attention from people (growers).

Like my plants that I grow indoors.. they get special attention and watered whenever they need it and only when they need it.

In the wild, plants DO NOT GET FED NUTRIENTS... like my personal plants that I grow indoors get. Period.

Nor do they necessarily get watered when they need it.. the plants depend on rain.. in order to get water.

It's common sense really.

Simple as that. :)

peace... done with this thread.


Well-Known Member
...okay, let's clear this up for max.
If your using a promix (vermurculite/perelite/petemoss) or anything similar, there is nothing in them and you will need fertilizers a.s.a.p.

SOIL, has a micro battlefield included....soil has benefitial bacteria that slowly breakdown and supply a plant with what it needs without any direct fertilizer., promix, and soil are completely different. If you try to add fertilizers to soil too early, you'll get a burn/lockout....promix needs fertilizer ASAP.

Yes I know that soil and promix are completely different, thats why i asked him what he is using? listen im just trying to help and all you guys wanna do is argue. If you want then listen to these people and don't feed them and see what happens... bet you won't like the results... but thats just my opinion

trichlone fiend

New Member
Yes I know that soil and promix are completely different, thats why i asked him what he is using? listen im just trying to help and all you guys wanna do is argue. If you want then listen to these people and don't feed them and see what happens... bet you won't like the results... but thats just my opinion
...hey, just look at our journals, then look at max's grows....LOLOLOLOLOL
...proof is in the pudding bud.....your blow'n hot steam for nothing.


Well-Known Member
well, that's your opinion.

you have the right to disagree with me.

However, the fact remains. Wild cannabis plants that grow out in the wild.. they don't get attention from people (growers).

Like my plants that I grow indoors.. they get special attention and watered whenever they need it and only when they need it.

In the wild, plants DO NOT GET FED NUTRIENTS... like my personal plants that I grow indoors get. Period.

Simple as that. :)


wild plants do get feed,
by nature.imo