NO potency?

I'd say it's just a piss poor pheno, most of us have smoked buds that have dried on top of a ballast or the like very quickly & have still got stoned from it.
Well, you basically answered your own question in the OP.

You had problems throughout, almost every type of problem.

Have your corrected those issues? If not, you will end with the same results next grow.

I disagree completely. I have smoked plenty of test buds that had instant and immediate effect. It certainly matures during the cure, but if your buds are close to ready, they should have some punch to it.

Yeah, you're right I didn't word it very well. If its really nice, dank bud you can leave it out over night or so and hit and you'll def catch a little buzz. But its BC it had enough THC to become active with little actual "curing".

But if its just meh bud anyways than not curing it can make it useless. Especially when its hacked down in fields and just thrown into huge piles to sit for months or years.