No Search???


Active Member
Hey guys,
I can't seem to search for anything. I will click search enter text into the the field click enter and it will give me a data base error so I refresh and then it tells my that I need to wait to search again. Anyone else having this issue???


Well-Known Member
Yes the quick search feature seems to be broken...

Use the "Advanced Search" Link under the quick search pulldown...


Well-Known Member
I haven't been able to search for weeks. It is too bad. This would really be a great website if it had search functioning properly.


Well-Known Member
yes i havent been able to search for weeks now

both advanced search and quick search have been down.

its kinda caused me to stop posting here, and use other forums.

because usually the questions i need to ask have been asked 100 x before, but with no search here, it makes it very hard to get the info i need.

but i will say i have always liked this website and the way it is setup

eventually they will probably fix search, and ill be back
