Your cure method doesn’t sound too bad! I hang the larger branches on strings in low humidity and cool temps for about 4-5 days or until crisp on the outside. After this stage the buds are cut off the branches and they are set to marinate with each other in Jars, buckets or Bags. Again in a dark cool place~ That container is Burped/Vented at least once a day for about a week. They should be perfect for smoking 13 - 16 days, this all depends on where you are and what the weather is like if you do not have a controlled room!
I do save mothers and keep them going in another room while flowering, if you veg them tall it is fine to cut clones from the plants you are about to flower. I suggest not cutting them if the moms are more than a few days into 12 hr. The clone will root flowering and it seems to take to long to snap out of that mode for my liking! A clone that grows out form a budding branch turns into a plant with a ton of tops and no topping will be needed! If you need bushy and have time this will work also! Any way you get a healthy clone is a good way in my opinion! Potency of the clone has nothing to do with when or where you chopped the clone but everything to do with the stain and how healthy the plant is...
Happy Growing!