No Space-Kill a Failing Plant?


Not enough space - help!

This is not a technical question. Rather, an ethical.

I have three plants growing in a limited veranda space. Two of them are budding up like the beautiful queens they are (both autoflowers).

The third, while the same height as her sisters has bud sites and pistils, but many pistils have died off and the amount of little buds she has is scant (in comparison to the other two). I thought she might be hermi but I can't see anything male... That said, she did grow faster and taller than the other two, in spite of being planted later... verdict? Opinions?

I can't really move her without creating problems (I have no more available "invisible") space. My thought is if I were to move her, or otherwise sacrifice her (by doing so I would increase the amount of available light for her sisters).

So what would you do, if you couldn't move her? Could you kill a child?



Well-Known Member
kill off a plant i planted late cause it wasn't on the same page as her elder sisters?
Sounds like she might have missed out on some vegging time too...

no...i couldn't do it....they would just have to deal with the cramped quarters if it was me i bet
lightly prune her....that's what i'd do....

the poor thing would not be harvested with the elders and instead enjoy a vigorous re-vegging after the sisters were hung to get a bump on the next harvest win


RIU Bulldog
Plants produce more when they have more space. Two plants, given enough room to grow, will out produce three cramped plants every time.
That said there are people who say when plants are cramped they grow upward. So if that is your goal then by all means, but I say kill it to save the others.
Besides, one day you wont want to waste the time and resources on a crappy plant whether it looks healthy or not.


Thanks for the tips, I just went out and LST'd her. I'm also considering pruning her, too. I'm not quite happy with the results and I think she will turn out to be an under-producer... so leaning towards Beansly here. To do so would open up more space and light for her sisters which probably have about 2-3 weeks to go.

Growing three plants, on reflection was dumb, I thought that since three pots would fit on the shelf, so would three plants. Big mistake. I should have went with two. In the past I've only ever grown outdoors in fields, so space was never really a problem.

Since I started this grow the other thing I learned was that Although spring is a good time to plant, with care so is the summer solstice. My veranda gets a shit ton of light in fall-winter and then it's still quite warm. In fact the closer to winter the more light (good for keeping cool in summer, but not growing!).

Sigh... I might giver her until tomorrow evening (one more day of post LST sun) and then, chop her down. As a consolation, at least she has a baby sister who won't need that space for a while yet, and be the time she does, her elders will be long gone!


Well-Known Member
crappy plants sure...i'll agree to that...kill those

this one isn't necessarily a crappy plant yet....just mistreated....if it is indeed female...
it wants to veg didn't want to flower...still doesn't...
they tend to tear off into monsters once they get what they want when they want...probably could even take a heavy pruning if you're comfortable with that sort of thing
four sets of leaves on a 'straggler' for example isn't gonna hurt the other two imo...can it? to be blatantly noticeable come harvest time?

you can 'gain' space and light via pruning and still have a starter plant ready to rock for the next run

to the point one plant out producing two in such a confined space

Go with your's the only way


Well, for better or worse, I gave her a hard pruning. As people are wont to say where I am from (but not at now) it'll either "fix her or fuck her".

That said, the space that this pruning opened up is going to be of major benefit for her sisters. I've got a little girl on her way up to move into place once her sisters are done. A said day, but at least not all is lost.

Now to get some beans for the post solstice!


Well-Known Member
*and the tree hugging hippies rejoiced*
