NO SUBS almost 6 Months


Active Member
Hey everyone. 3 years on major oxies 2 years on subs Now clean 6 months on good weed and Budweiser. Still have a few bad days about once a month but, overall good. They say every year on subs is a minimum of 3 months to get over it. Almost there. Still don't sleep great but, now getting 6 hrs per night! Sometimes 8 if I smoke some PK before bed. To all who are running down this road IT can be done! Willpower is the strongest thing we have inside us all! Starting to appreciate the simple things in life again that pills took away! Stay HIGH my friends. Don't cross that road. Dozer


Well-Known Member
subs are horrible, i hated having orange vomit dissolve under my tongue.

thinking of the taste now even makes my stomach turn.


Active Member
My wife has major arthritis issues being a ER nurse for over 20 years. I have now talked her into a med license where I live. Oh Boy! Another grow room! Hate when I can bud another 6 plants!


Active Member
strong work Doze. i think New Years will be 23 years for me. heroin/coke speedballs. you WILL miss it. be strong
Don't know why but, once a month I get bummed out for NO reason! I think I know the reason. Hope it passes soon. Life is really overall good most days. But, some days SUCK!!!!


Well-Known Member
Don't know why but, once amonth every I get bummed out for NO reason! I think I know the reason. Hope it passes soon. Life is really overall good most days. But, some days SUCK!!!!
it doesn't pass soon........sorry. there will be a hole in you. make friends with it. i used to cry and feel sorry for myself when i got like that. it didn't help, but i'm only human.


bud bootlegger
congrats dozer.. i've been on the methadone the last 11 years, and have been trying to ween myself off of it since pretty much the first of this year..
i've so far gone down from 40mg's a day, and i'm now at 15mg's day.. was coming down 1mg a week.. i just told them to hold me at the 15 for a bit till i get a bit adjusted t it.. wasn't a very big deal, but i can definitely feel a difference the last few weeks.. not as bad as i thought it could be, but i'm not off of it yet, lol...
congrats again.. :)


Active Member
are you having any strong urges to use now you're off dozer?? just thought i'd ask ...
Only once a month. Always Friday night. Kind of a dick to my old lady that night but, she's a good girl and I think understands what i'm still going through.Ween down. Then Just Do It! That saying Shouldn't just be for Nike! Willpower Bro! We All have it in us. Just gotta' bring it out! Good Luck man! Dozer


bud bootlegger
some of my buds didn't even get there (the treatment) they went to the ground instead.
oh, lucky me, i've made it... 11 times, lol.. seriously though, i too am grateful to not only be clean, but also to be alive all the shit i've been through.. :)
the guy who introduced me to the meth clinic near me was another addict i worked with at the time.. i went right on meth and did great, haven't used in over 11 years now, but both him and his brother struggled to stay clean for years... dude eventually got arrested and got clean and stayed clean for a few years..
he was doing great, just moved into an apt with his gf, then bam, one night dude has a heart attack and dies while surfing the web.. fucker was only 36 at the time.. shit fucked me up pretty good too... nothing like getting clean only to have the wreckage of your past come back to haunt your ass.. :(


Well-Known Member
Congrats man!!! July 14th will be my 2 years without subs. Before that I was snorting a gram of oxy per day (a lot).


Active Member
some of my buds didn't even get there (the treatment) they went to the ground instead.
Unfortunatley, that road is all too familiar in my neck of the woods! If they aren't dying from it overnight they are getting some funky ass strains of hep! I personally didn't ever like the needle. Budweiser and killa" bud for me now. Have 5 strains going should keep me mellow for a bit! Wifey has an appointment with the weed doctor next week. No worries about her getting her med card. May try some nice Kona. My buddy has been living and growing in Maui for over 20 years. Another room will enable me to bud out some fun stuff. Dozer


Well-Known Member
Congrats! Drug addictions are nasty, especially when it comes to opiates..

Ive had a few runs with heroin and various opiates/morphine.. Same with cocaine. But its all behind me now for the most part... Nowdays the only opiate Ill touch is heroin, I know it sounds ass backwards but once or twice a year I'll get a nice bag just for the night.. Just to reminisce on old times..

I dont really suggest that though it sounds like you are going through a much harder battle than I ever have!
Which is why I say again congratulations. Kicking a dependency is probably the hardest thing to overcome in this world.


Active Member
Congrats! Drug addictions are nasty, especially when it comes to opiates..

Ive had a few runs with heroin and various opiates/morphine.. Same with cocaine. But its all behind me now for the most part... Nowdays the only opiate Ill touch is heroin, I know it sounds ass backwards but once or twice a year I'll get a nice bag just for the night.. Just to reminisce on old times..

I dont really suggest that though it sounds like you are going through a much harder battle than I ever have!
Which is why I say again congratulations. Kicking a dependency is probably the hardest thing to overcome in this world.
I've tried the once or twice a year get high and let it go deal! Dope sick for days after. Took a few tries and a few years before I said fuck it! Would rather deal with a booze 1 day hangover rather than a 72 hr withdrawl from oxies. Then of course remember the one week later curse. Then the one month curse. It goes on and on. Your lucky to have it that easy. Be careful though, it'll bite you in the ass when you least expect or want it! Been There Done that. Dozer