So, I've got a little dilemma - I'm not using any lighting, as I've got the opportunity to take my little lady outside during the day and bring her in at night (even in summer, the nights are pretty cold - i leave near the beach). Here's the dilemma - we haven't really had any summer where I live. There's been an intense marine cloud layer and if the sun comes out - usually around 11am, it goes back in around 4pm. As of last week she had 5 nodes and was about 5" tall. I left for the weekend and now, it looks like it might be flowering? There doesn't appear to be any new nodes growing, it looks like there's a pre-bud growing on top?
Is it possible the lack of sunlight may be forcing it to flower early? This is my first shot at growing, so I appreciate any help -
Is it possible the lack of sunlight may be forcing it to flower early? This is my first shot at growing, so I appreciate any help -