No Trichones & Crystals??!!


Active Member
So, after many trial and errors (6 plants to be exact), I finally managed to harvest 2 plants out of 3 grows. My first and second grow i harvested around 20 ounces of shit herb which had no crystals whatsoever therefore i threw all this away. My third grow i just cut down the plants now and harvested around 2 ounces from 2 plants, which were full of crystals.

I grew in the same manner, gave the same nutrients, my question is - what can make a plant not produce any trics??

The only difference in the grows was that the first 2 grows i left the plants get pretty big before putting them into flowering. My last grow the plants were quite small but full of trics - so what can make a plant not produce trics??
I add that they were all different strains.


Well-Known Member
high humidity, poor genetics, poor lighting and maybe they were males. just a few possible reasons.


Active Member
the genetics was a possiblility if the seeds were from one shop but they where from diffrent shops so it loweres the possiblity humidity was good i have 600W lights and they where all female i eliminated one hermi


Well-Known Member
Smaller plants you'll get better quality tri's in a closet I've notice this too! But at that time I was using fox farm nutes and now I've switched to advance nutes I'm thinking the use of the fox farm's nutes was a major contributing factor to the few thin white tri's with no dome on top of the tri is this the issue your interested in been there dude. I now I try and flip the light at 15" or less but no lower than 12" because they be growing in spurts at this time 2" a day and it's easy to over do it this grow I did top one plant twice I don't know how it will turn but it looks really healthy I'm with the high heat high humidity poor air movement or all of the above keep the air moving 24/7/365~

Clown Baby

Well-Known Member
Size of the plant isn't your problem.
Nutrients arent your problem, unless you're burning the shit out of your plants. If they look decent and green, this probably isn't the case.

It could be a combination of poor genetics and environmental factors. Do you have adequate air exchange? what's the temp/humidity of your grow room? Figure out these issues and your problem might be solved.

Pics help.


Active Member
I had good circulation and everything was correct still not sure wat went wrong i am growing some blue cheese not gonna leave them grow much to keep them small i use advance nutes all i need to buy is some micro nutes hope all goes well not gonna give up so easy haha


Well-Known Member
If your setup is right then it has to be a personal error somewhere along the line, not to put you down though bro. Do you have a truncheon and what were you doing with the ph. I have only had I harvest but my plants were 6ft covered in tri's dense and sticky. I don't believe the size can affect the amount of trichomes you get as long as light penetration is good and you are giving it the right things at the right time


Active Member
I have 2 6footers, 4weeks into bloom. One looks like it has been frosted, the other I have to search to find any trics. Same grow, same environment. The only difference is they are of different genetics. I am guessing the one without many trics is just going to take longer to finish.


Active Member
so how long could u leave in flowering? i had 4 footer but there where no trics and all hairs red s her down i have pics of them if u wanna see them


Well-Known Member
add a UV bulb, its probably just a longer flowering strain. dont fret over it, just get better genetics or clone them frosty ones ya got there! :bigjoint: