No weed... what do you guys do?


I'm going through a period in my life where I have basically no money, can't even afford seeds so i have no plants to look forward to...

I really, REALLY want to get fucked up to forget about shit but obviously I can't smoke. I'm not much of a drinker, to be totally honest I don't even like being drunk, I love being drunk and high at the same time but just being drunk isn't that fun unless I'm with chicks. You guys have any alternatives? I don't really give a shit if it's dangerous, it just has to be inexpensive... and hopefully something I can find in my house to ingest and get toasted. I've heard of people doing motion sickness pills, and heard about some shit called Panadol... I've tried huffing, it doesn't get me the high I want, and it does NOT last nearly long enough.

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
I'm going through a period in my life where I have basically no money, can't even afford seeds so i have no plants to look forward to...

I really, REALLY want to get fucked up to forget about shit but obviously I can't smoke. I'm not much of a drinker, to be totally honest I don't even like being drunk, I love being drunk and high at the same time but just being drunk isn't that fun unless I'm with chicks. You guys have any alternatives? I don't really give a shit if it's dangerous, it just has to be inexpensive... and hopefully something I can find in my house to ingest and get toasted. I've heard of people doing motion sickness pills, and heard about some shit called Panadol... I've tried huffing, it doesn't get me the high I want, and it does NOT last nearly long enough.
Mate, I don't condone this in anyway, but I know of people sniffing glue, spraying spray cans in to plastic bags & inhaling the vapor(chroming), or sniffing petrol!
I have never tried any of these so I don't know the effects & wouldn't recommend u do it!
I really hope u find some bud bro, even if it cheap stuff, for your sake!bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


yeah... i'm feeling a little better now. yeah sometimes i get panic attacks, and if anyone else has ever had a panic attack, TRUST ME, weed is the BEST medication you can possibly take. So I tend to get really desperate if I'm having one and don't have any bud to smoke. Still having really strong cravings though.

Probably going to find a butane lighter and torch the shit out of my entire pipe and try to get a magic res hit. Goddamn I wanna get high so bad hahaha:-|


Active Member
I think you should talk to someone. You sound like you have a substance abuse problem. Take a break and gain a new perspective on life.

If youre having panic attacks, then I suggest you see a doctor and get some anti-anxiety medication, such as Ativan.


Well-Known Member
nah I don't think he has a substance abuse problem. I think he's merely a person using marijuana medically, as many people LEGITIMATELY DO.

find bud bro, that's what you need. don't look for other unhealthy things. do what works and what you know is healthy for you. eventually get enough of a supply to the point where you can realize where you went wrong in your ways and you can fix yourself.

I can guarantee pot is healthier than anti-anxiety pills.

Iron Lungz23

Well-Known Member
yeah... i'm feeling a little better now. yeah sometimes i get panic attacks, and if anyone else has ever had a panic attack, TRUST ME, weed is the BEST medication you can possibly take. So I tend to get really desperate if I'm having one and don't have any bud to smoke. Still having really strong cravings though.

Probably going to find a butane lighter and torch the shit out of my entire pipe and try to get a magic res hit. Goddamn I wanna get high so bad hahaha:-|[/quo

I hear u bro! Nothing like being without herb! Weed is the best medication bro!bongsmilie


Active Member
nah I don't think he has a substance abuse problem. I think he's merely a person using marijuana medically, as many people LEGITIMATELY DO.

find bud bro, that's what you need. don't look for other unhealthy things. do what works and what you know is healthy for you. eventually get enough of a supply to the point where you can realize where you went wrong in your ways and you can fix yourself.

I can guarantee pot is healthier than anti-anxiety pills.
Actually, the benzodiazpine (anti-anxiety medication) family has been studied for the past forty years. Highly safe.

To me, it sounds like he is going through mental withdrawals, and just wants to get fucked up. Ive been there, so I know.


Well-Known Member
go out for a run and enjoy the day. exercise will help with that a bunch. i'm being hypocritical saying that right now because i don't exercise worth shit, but i am starting to ride a road bike 10 miles a day and it's a good way to get away from things and keep that hear beating strong


Well-Known Member
If you use a grinder with a keif catcher, get the keif out, grind up left over stems, put the stems in first then the keif on top. Ha thats what i always do when my stash runs out. It actualy gets the job done. Just make sure to barley light it or you will waste all the keif.

Intellectual Pothead

Well-Known Member
you sound stupid as hell, what are you a crackhead?

when i run out of weed, you want to know what i do ? i live my life, i go to school, go to work, do shit that normal people do. you don't need weed to survive dumbass, it's great to have but you wont die without it.

i swear people like you give marijuana smokers a bad rap, you should seek help or something


Well-Known Member
Actually, the benzodiazpine (anti-anxiety medication) family has been studied for the past forty years. Highly safe.

To me, it sounds like he is going through mental withdrawals, and just wants to get fucked up. Ive been there, so I know.
Tell us more about your withdrawals.. it might help this guy and many others. :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Dude, you sound young.We've all at least had this thought cross our mind, I'm sure, but as teenagers, maybe.What you need to do is understand that drugs are not something you take to forget.You don't ignore your problems with them.You fix whatever is wrong in your life that makes you want to forget,and then you do some drugs to congratulate yourself.Drugs are fun,but they are also,IMO,a nearly sacred means of mind expansion, A way to get past the ego and see into the core of who we are.Respect them and be reverent.There's no need to wipe your mind out.Take control of it.
I'm going through a period in my life where I have basically no money, can't even afford seeds so i have no plants to look forward to...

I really, REALLY want to get fucked up to forget about shit but obviously I can't smoke. I'm not much of a drinker, to be totally honest I don't even like being drunk, I love being drunk and high at the same time but just being drunk isn't that fun unless I'm with chicks. You guys have any alternatives? I don't really give a shit if it's dangerous, it just has to be inexpensive... and hopefully something I can find in my house to ingest and get toasted. I've heard of people doing motion sickness pills, and heard about some shit called Panadol... I've tried huffing, it doesn't get me the high I want, and it does NOT last nearly long enough.
Yes, but the interesting thing about benzodiazepines is they were used by the military during interrogations. They lower your ability to think critically or sense danger when you are on them...and make you highly susceptible to brainwashing.I know, sounds like something out of a 50's novel, but it is a fact.I actually know someone it happened to.
Actually, the benzodiazpine (anti-anxiety medication) family has been studied for the past forty years. Highly safe.

To me, it sounds like he is going through mental withdrawals, and just wants to get fucked up. Ive been there, so I know.


Well-Known Member
you sound stupid as hell, what are you a crackhead?

when i run out of weed, you want to know what i do ? i live my life, i go to school, go to work, do shit that normal people do. you don't need weed to survive dumbass, it's great to have but you wont die without it.

i swear people like you give marijuana smokers a bad rap, you should seek help or something
Chill the fuck out man.

Big Joop

Active Member

Take two nuts, grate them up with a cheese grater, when they get down to nubs cut them up to take them like pills. Put the nutmeg into something, because it tastes like shit normally. I would try mixing it with chocolate milk or something along those lines.

After a few hours (depending on how much food you ate prior to the nutmeg ingestion) the feelings will start to take effect. Should get you some of the feelings you're after