nodes, what are true nodes?


are true nodes considered to be the the first sets of 7 leaves or would it be from the very bottom sets of 3 or in the middle at the 5's? im just wondering, i am topping my plant today hopefully and i just want to get it in the right spot, thank you for any info and thanks for reading


Well-Known Member
the first set of leaves from a seedling are called cotyledons, they do not count

the next set of leaves (first serated) are the first true node and every set after that is a node

the stem space between the nodes is called the internode


thanks for clearing that up for me, now is there any particular time of day i should top? i am growing outdoors in the ground, i.e. evening after the sun goes down or in the morn so it has the all day sun to help regrow asap.


Well-Known Member
doesn't matter to the plant as far as it is concerned an animal has taken a bite from it, it will distribute hormones to repair itself