Noisy fan - need a solution quick.


Well-Known Member
I just finished building a small box for some seedlings. I installed a 3 inch 120vac fan from Radio shack to vent and cool. There is no way I can use this fan the way it is. I didn't think a fan that small could be so damn loud.

My dilemma is that all my seeds germinated overnight. already had to put 4 in soil because the sprouts were getting long. I am going to have to have the others in soil today sometime.

Anybody know of a speed controller I could plug this fan into - or recommend a fan I could pick up locally in the great USA?

these are my first seeds....:neutral:


Well-Known Member
yeah what you need is a variable resistor. You can pick them up at your local electronics store (i.e Radio Shack). Just wire them to your fan and they work as a temp control, most of them have easy knobs on them too. They are anywhere from 35 cents to 4-5 bucks at R.S.



Well-Known Member
go buy another fan and ask if you can test it before you buy it. i'm sure almost all places will let you


Well-Known Member
I scrounged an extra pc fan. much quieter. doesn't move as much air, but I think that will be ok.

Thanks for the replies.