Nongreenthumbs Great Seed Scam Exposed!!!


Well-Known Member
You guys are talking B/s,

Heres a guy who was willing to help out other members who couldnt/wouldnt order from a seed bank, why? I dont know.

Then You still want to get the seeds at the same prices as quoted on the seed banks web sites, No chance... Im sure most people would not do all that running about for free, and I see no wrong in adding a 10er to the total cost.

But then to go talking about it to other people (12 hour-X-mod) on this site even though theres No selling of that kind aloud here is just strait up grass-in

Seems to me like your better off not helping people nongreen
Thanks for the support bigbud, I'm no longer allowed to do it because of videoman being a snitch and thats no problem it was actually more effort than it was worth in the end and to get all this shit afterwards, your right bigbud you really are better off not helping people out.


Well-Known Member
i just recived 34 seeds 5 different strains for free from someone on this site who i will leave nameless, why would some one charge for seeds when you can get so many for free when you grow, every one should share, seeds and clipings
Yeah nice sentiment - count yourself fortunate someone was kind enough to share seeds with you - the vast majority of people aren't so fortunate as you are and have to purchase the seeds they want to grow. I'd like an original cheese clone cutting to grow out, but so far I've not come across anyone willing to share, so until that happens I continue to buy my seeds.

Personally, I don't understand why this subject is still rumbling on, it was done and dusted as far as I could see, yet some won't let it rest it seems.

NGT was stupid in the sense that he was willing to help people and for that he gets villified and treated as a social outcast. People have 'supposedly' complained about the prices he was charging when all he was doing was covering his costs and taking all the risks at a time when Nirvana were having problems getting seed packages through US Customs.

I don't remember NGT holding a gun to someones head and forcing them to buy his seeds, he gave them the price and left the decison up to them - it shouldnt be up for discussion what price he charged for the seeds , neither should that price be compared to the 'shop price' either. People were left free to choose whether to purchase his seeds or not, it really is as simple as there.

You don't go to home depot and start negotiating over the price - you either pay it or you decide it's too much and go elsewhere - why is this any different?

I recall a very brief discussion I had with NGT about this a while ago (the thread is on here, I just cant be assed to look for it) and I told NGT in no uncertain terms not to get involved with this - for the simple reason that in the eyes of the US judicial system, people sending seeds or any other illegal substance into the US is equally culpable as the person receiving it. Read the Marc Emory extradition procedures going on right now for a very good example of this - Marc Emory used to send seeds into the USA from Canada, now they want him extradited to the US to face those charges.

He took the risks to help people out who were having problems buying seeds, yet now all people can do is bitch about the prices he was charging.

NGT, next time, let them find their own sources of seeds.


Well-Known Member
you mean i could have been charging all those people. let's see $7.50 x 20 dozen+, plus postage for 20 packages, plus packaging costs, plus my i could have actually gotten money? oh well, i feel good spending my OWN money to help others get seeds. to bad i'm all out until the fall, THEY WERE FREE!!!!!!!!!! should have pmed me. to late now.

NOPE, I HAVE NO MORE SEEDS. sorry, gave them all away.
charge for seeds, shesh.


Well-Known Member
Supply and demand...simple rules of business. But if someone wants to actually help another by offering seeds for free or on the cheap....nothing wrong with that either.


Well-Known Member
uhhh no theyre no not.

math problem

100 divided by 15=$6.666666667

round it.

$6.67 a seed

and thats not bad for some sexy white russian!!!

i bone that plant lol

jk jk

im sorry im a little bit off today


Well-Known Member
I only ever purchased seeds to order,

So someone says they want white widow
i got them white widow

I couldnt afford to keep a stock so i had to pay the price first.


Well-Known Member
you mean i could have been charging all those people. let's see $7.50 x 20 dozen+, plus postage for 20 packages, plus packaging costs, plus my i could have actually gotten money? oh well, i feel good spending my OWN money to help others get seeds. to bad i'm all out until the fall, THEY WERE FREE!!!!!!!!!! should have pmed me. to late now.

NOPE, I HAVE NO MORE SEEDS. sorry, gave them all away.
charge for seeds, shesh.
Its easy to send seeds if you live in the same country :roll: goin to pay for shipin to the uk as well ?


Well-Known Member
uhhh no theyre no not.

math problem

100 divided by 15=$6.666666667

round it.

$6.67 a seed

and thats not bad for some sexy white russian!!!

i bone that plant lol

jk jk

im sorry im a little bit off today
Yeah you are right on that one, i'm just used to ten packs, not many seedbanks sell in 15s.

Flying dutchman is good for sativas though, you get 11 and the price is pretty good for some good genetics


Well-Known Member
Yeah nice sentiment - count yourself fortunate someone was kind enough to share seeds with you - the vast majority of people aren't so fortunate as you are and have to purchase the seeds they want to grow. I'd like an original cheese clone cutting to grow out, but so far I've not come across anyone willing to share, so until that happens I continue to buy my seeds.

Personally, I don't understand why this subject is still rumbling on, it was done and dusted as far as I could see, yet some won't let it rest it seems.

NGT was stupid in the sense that he was willing to help people and for that he gets villified and treated as a social outcast. People have 'supposedly' complained about the prices he was charging when all he was doing was covering his costs and taking all the risks at a time when Nirvana were having problems getting seed packages through US Customs.

I don't remember NGT holding a gun to someones head and forcing them to buy his seeds, he gave them the price and left the decison up to them - it shouldnt be up for discussion what price he charged for the seeds , neither should that price be compared to the 'shop price' either. People were left free to choose whether to purchase his seeds or not, it really is as simple as there.

You don't go to home depot and start negotiating over the price - you either pay it or you decide it's too much and go elsewhere - why is this any different?

I recall a very brief discussion I had with NGT about this a while ago (the thread is on here, I just cant be assed to look for it) and I told NGT in no uncertain terms not to get involved with this - for the simple reason that in the eyes of the US judicial system, people sending seeds or any other illegal substance into the US is equally culpable as the person receiving it. Read the Marc Emory extradition procedures going on right now for a very good example of this - Marc Emory used to send seeds into the USA from Canada, now they want him extradited to the US to face those charges.

He took the risks to help people out who were having problems buying seeds, yet now all people can do is bitch about the prices he was charging.

NGT, next time, let them find their own sources of seeds.

exactly, this is why prostitution should be legalized, if two willing adults want to engage in a transaction its called capitalisim if the cutomers want it someone will sell it to them. Its not like he was selling to "special ed" people, then maybe it would be messed up.

but shit if your a grown man and you buy somthing how / why are you gonna cry about it? your the dumbass who decided to make the purchase!

I mean did he sell it to them when they were drunk or somthing? I dont get it. I would sell someone my underwear for $1million dollars if i could.:mrgreen:

and I bet every single person who has posted here would do the same and thats pretty much a fact.

so you would do exactly what you are acuseing others of doing. cuz selling a pair of used underwear for $1million is a rip off. but hay if you could find somone dumb or crazy enough to do it you would.

just my personal opinion

anyway glad to see you back video40 I hope you stay, Im smoking right now ill be and 11 soon

i think ill revive the how high are you right now thread:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Lets just agree that this should be dropped because its not in the best interests of rollitup to keep going over it.

Skunkushybrid, widow maker, potroast whoever

Close this thread down I think were done