To me the entire question if flawed, so it can't possibly be non-partisan, when you use the word wealthy. You only see one party promoting class envy instead of upward mobility. Promoting hand outs over self reliance. Proposing that Govt. is responsible for wealth and acting as if they can pull off neo-Kynesian neutral re-distribution. They, govt, were suppose to save the money for a rainy day under Kynes, That's the dirty secret. Govts can't do that. It takes muti-generational discipline that only bossiness can manage. (not very well, but the only ones that can) People love to label, and labeling is required for small minded Ideology. And for the small minded people that are in-thralled. Wealthy is not what you think, by definition. It is a giant responsibility since everyone wants your wealth.
The fact is, govts won't save for a rainy day, but businesses have to. Much of the rain is from govt, btw. This what is wrong with Kynes. It, like all the other social theory depends not only on Law, but on officials doing the right thing against their political interests perhaps. Govt have a hard time to know what is the right thing. Too many special interests. Hence the theory.
Business know that only a few of the right choices will actually lead to survival of the jobs. Many "right" choices in a social sense will kill the jobs. Business are Jobs and create wealth. Govt waste wealth.
Business has healthy competition to give it guide and help it survive. In John Forbes Nash Economics this is modeled very well. Compete to make a bigger pie for all. It is not voodoo or trickle down, it is a natural emergent quality of a proper business environment.
It is govt's job to work that environment in a Global sense, but govt don't have any competition. They have a surrogate competition of their National Product, only. Govt are to protect National Production.
Obama's team truly believes in Nieo_Kynesian as an Ideology and when we disagree we get Viciousness form Liberation Theology.
But, it is trickle down govt and is the true hoo-doo, voo-doo. It is the completely discredited theory of the Central State. The Dear Leader approach.
We have a federated republic. Kynes theories don't work in this, as we have seem time and again. Talk about the old ideas of the past, in Russia and North Korea!! Keynes relies on the theory of an altruist Govt. But govt are about power, only. They never save money, they just go to the money tree. We the People.
It is already going south world wide, again. China is slowing down in Growth. We are going to see a world Recession again,. And it could become worse than that. Obama's ideas have failed and pushed us back in. Growth is stalling again. Obama is already patterning morass of uncertainty as the new normal.
You want that? Non-partisan study? No way. Only Centrists are non-partisan. Only true Independents have any clue.