noob grow purple chemo`s


Well-Known Member
my pic`s are jpg. and i use visualizer photo resizer from internet (free) and i set it to resize at 800x600 then after resized and loaded i click on the pic i want and copy paste bb code and thats it. not sure how much longer for harvest but probably in a couple weeks. my buddy is growing the same ones and he has shut his light off yesterday. his are way smaller than mine he di 12 and i did 8 and i probably will end up with 3 times the yield. and he took 2 down last week. ( impatient) ya i`m a bit edgy, wish i could just sleep in there with them and watch.:weed:


Well-Known Member
well i went and picked up some cal-mag at my store and gave them a dose of my flower nutes, cal-mag and liquid karma last night. was kind of strong, i`m starting to get a fair bit of yellowing already. thier only at about 5 weeks, seems a little early. hope the cal-mag can do it`s thing and help it.
no pic`s tonight to tired just got back from another trip up the mountain to my outdoor. 2.5 hours on rough trail tires an old man. lol. i think it had more to do with smokin to much cabbage.:hump:


Well-Known Member
I really like the setup of your indoor grow. Nice, neat and stealthy. What do you expect to yeild off of each plant? Thanks


Well-Known Member
i dont know 1 or 2 ounces each. theres 8 plants. i`ll be posting before and after weights when it`s ready


Well-Known Member
well day 43 today. gave them thier last hit of nutes probably before harvest. some are shooting new hairs so i may keep those ones going. it`s been getting hot here lately and i cant control temps to well. also recharged my homemade co2.



Well-Known Member
Looking real nice and juicy.
It looks sugar coated, yummy.

You might have to use that Pringles can to store that big cola. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
ill see what i can find. High Times > Home and on the far right it says submissions. shouldnt be too hard i hope, please do though, i think those are some serious pictures, would not be suprised if youre chosen for the mag


Active Member
the plants look like there really small ,i have a box and i'm 5 weeks into bud and there so big that i have to tie them up ,and they all stand about 4 feet big stocks and big pots I've been useing lots of feed I have canna super boost liquid bat gauno ,worm casting ,the brute,and sweet leif everything is organtic no cems but some crazy big buds

blueberry kid

Well-Known Member
the plants look like there really small ,i have a box and i'm 5 weeks into bud and there so big that i have to tie them up ,and they all stand about 4 feet big stocks and big pots I've been useing lots of feed I have canna super boost liquid bat gauno ,worm casting ,the brute,and sweet leif everything is organtic no cems but some crazy big buds
really? do u have a journal?