noob grow take 2.

Here are my plants having trouble resizing them down from the mobile. Having some issues specifically with the last two pictures ( same plant).

The first picture looks OK but my other strain killowatt is looking pretty wilty to me. Both plants are about 3 weeks to a month into veg. Picked them up as clones.For light I'm operating w a 300 w cfl for the two plants. Temps are fine usually ranging from 75-80.humidity usually around 45 ish.I don't believe it needs water as I just checked and seems moist enough 2 in. Down. And I'm pretty careful about over watering so I can't believe it'd be that. Just fedits first batch of very minimal nutes (botanicare) yesterday using happy frog soil as a medium. I'm kinda lost right now the only other thing was my clip fan was full of dry wall dust and I believe some may have gotten on that plant. Anyways that's where I'm at if anybody has any opinions/suggestions I'd appreciate your input. Thanks for taking the time to read this hope its legible from the mobile. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
Well, it looks like 2 issues to me. One is that the soil and plant look dry, and must be moist all the way down to the bottom of the root system, not a few inches. I never let my soil become bone dry. After you give the plant a good soak to runoff, then it is watered enough, and probably won't need water for 3 day's at least, depending on plant size and pot size. If the dust is an issue, which it might very well be, I would spray the plant heavily with water ( or a Superthrive tea) to clean any residue off, do a flush with 6.5 PH'd water just in case there is a problem with your soli, and feed the plant around 650 PPM ( or a mid range amount) from now on. Make sure your plants are at least 6" away from that 300 Watt CFL, with good air flow, and you should have covered all the bases. Good luck.
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Well, it looks like 2 issues to me. One is that the soil and plant look dry, and must be moist all the way down to the bottom of the root system, not a few inches. I never let my soil become bone dry. After you give the plant a good soak to runoff, then it is watered enough, and probably won't need water for 3 day's at least, depending on plant size and pot size. If the dust is an issue, which it might very well be, I would spray the plant heavily with water ( or a Superthrive tea) to clean any residue off, do a flush with 6.5 PH'd water just in case there is a problem with your soli, and feed the plant around 650 PPM ( or a mid range amount) from now on. Make sure your plants are at least 6" away from that 300 Watt CFL, with good air flow, and you should have covered all the bases. Good luck.
Thanks jimdami, I think you could be right on with the dry soil. My soil is always dry on top because I heard that as long as its moist two knuckles down your set but I'm starting to rethink that. Going to give it some water and see how it plays out. The other issue could be my a/c I woke up and someone had turned it off an the house was hella hot, maybe stressed it out. At least I'm learning something right? Lol trial and error.cheers man.